Homosexuality and Repentance

A growing movement within the global church is identifying themselves as Christian LGBTQ, or more commonly called gay Christians. One of them is Matthew Vines, a young homosexual who has become a bayonet for this movement due to his book, tour of lectures, and YouTube videos. He is attempting to make the case that one can practice homosexuality and be a biblical, gospel believing Christian at the same time.

And Vines is failing miserably at making such an argument.

Some of the lines in their rhetoric are “I was born this way…” “My orientation is natural to me…” “God made me this way…” “It is not possible for me to switch orientations…”

Delight in Truth would like to point out that human depravity is innate to ALL of us.  A two-year-old is capable of displaying selfish behavior that would land an adult in jail. No one has to teach a two-year-old to lie or deceive, because he does it by nature.

When the Holy Spirit converts us to saving faith, we experience a renewal of our mode of thinking and our behavior. The thief no long steals, because he hates what he used to do.  The compulsive liar is renewed and he is now repulsed by his prior actions.  The former adulterer now detests that he used to cheat on his family.

But the question today is, can this renewal apply to something as fundamental as sexual orientation? Can the homosexual repent of his lifestyle and adopt a heterosexual orientation structured within the confines of biblical marriage?

Matthew Vines and the gay Christian movement say no.

Lets see what the Bible says on the issue in 1 Corinthians 6.

9Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Paul just produced one of his famous lists of sinners and follows up with a powerful statement: “And such WERE some of you.” These sinners which include the sexually immoral (and homosexuals) were washed, sanctified and justified. They were changed fundamentally in the name of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit who accomplished this task.

According to the bible, the gay Christian movement is wrong in claiming that homosexuals cannot repent of their orientation.

There is no depraved condition that the Holy Spirit cannot renew if one repents. This truth must be preached in love, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest in convicting those who will repent.

Should Pentatonix be Promoted by Christians?

My social media feeds have been inundated this past month with videos of Christian carols by the band Pentatonix. The first time I saw the Pentatonix video of the carol song “Mary, Did You Know” I was impressed by the vocal talent in the production, but something didn’t seem right. They did not strike me as portraying the image of the average evangelical Christian artist.  It is almost unheard for a Christian artist to be promoted on the world’s stage like this.

Well, thank God for the common grace of Google.

While at least one member of the band publicly claims to be a Christian, two other members are openly gay.  Furthermore the band is active in promoting the LGBTQ agenda.  All this at the same time as taking advantage of the evangelical Christian market which may be their top target in selling albums.

But, hey, it’s a free country and anyone can do what they want as long as they do not break the law and/or hurt others, as the old progressive principle holds. Delight in Truth does not have a problem with Pentatonix and their rebellion against the moral code of Scripture, as much as with the Evangelical crowd which claims to be under the authority of Scripture and who loves Pentatonix.

Dear Christians, if you find the Word of God as inspired and authoritative, please stop buying, promoting, liking, posting, and applauding these Pentatonix videos. Would you listen daily to an openly gay pastor who promotes the LGBTQ lifestyle and preaches “really good?” If no, then why promote Pentatonix?

The false gospel of acceptance has made its way into the church via music and artistic expression, and now we are reaping the consequences. Scripture is being challenged and disregarded on the issue of sexual morality, and especially homosexuality.  Large churches like the Presbyterian Church USA and Evangelical Lutheran Church have blown up over the issue, and the Anglican Church (80 million members) is next.

As time goes by, more and more churches will concede and accept into membership and even ordain those who identify with and practice the LGBTQ lifestyle in open rebellion to Scripture.  On the other hand it has to be this way. As we get closer to the Second Coming of Christ the warning given by apostle Peter stands true: “that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.”

We must stand true to Scripture. We must stand with those who hold it as authoritative, and not with those who rebel against.

photo by Jiro Schneider

Jars of Clay: Another One Bites the Dust

No, the band did not break up if that’s what you were thinking after reading my title.

However, the lead singer of the band caved on the most pressing issue of our day: homosexuality. For the past few days, Dan Haseltine has been on a twitter rant supporting gay love and gay marriage. Among dozens of posts the following:

“So many gay couples display more loving characteristics and healthy relationship practices than most traditional married couples….”

“I don’t think scripture “clearly” states much of anything regarding morality.”

Delight in Truth has followed Jars of Clay since they first came on the scene in 1995. I even went to their first tour when they opened for Michael W. Smith. Along the years they even produced hymn albums, but besides that, there was a constant move toward a crossover message in their music.

There was an underlying spiritual tone in the message, but looking back in retrospect I would not call it the gospel message. It was more of a fuzzy love message typeset on creative lyrics with an occasional scripture reference.

And now this. Haseltine has called into question the authority of Scripture on the issue of marriage.

This will disappoint lots of evangelicals who have been buying their music.  Jars of Clay is already feeling it. The lead singer may have realized that this is public relations nightmare… he is asking on Twitter why Christian radio stations have pulled his songs.

As sad as this is, the Word of God stands true in predicting this exact development:

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” 2 Tim 4:3-5

The church is becoming compromised by sin and these are the fruits of this compromise.

The Bible is being questioned as outdated, unfair, and unsound.

At this rate of degeneration we need to seriously consider the words of Jesus:Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8

Depravity Predictions for 2014 :(

Pope Francis

Delight in Truth predicts that 2014 will bring worsening of morality in the following areas:

  • Pope Francis and the Catholic Church will encourage gay marriage by continuing to declare equality of love in homosexual relationships.
  • More US States will legalize gay marriage
  • Marijuana and perhaps other drugs of abuse may become legal in more States
  • There will be more Phil Robertsons, conservatives who dare to speak out against the progressive agenda; they will be labeled as bigots, retards, and threatened in various ways
  • There will be a push to normalize and perhaps decriminalize pedophilia (sexual relations between adults and children). The American Psychiatry Association will be a key player in the issue.
  • Polygamy will continue to gain popularity and legal status in multiple US States
  • Children will become exposed to pornography at younger ages, and will erroneously learn that those videos represent true intimacy
  • The Evangelical Church will become more compromised on moral grounds; scandal, divorce, gay marriage, ordination of gay ministers
  • The true Body of Christ will be squeezed from multiple angles on these issues and threatened with loss of tax-free status, or other more severe legal recourse
  • Hate-speech legislation will be introduced in certain legislatures; hate-speech is a code term for preaching the truths found in Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6 about sexual deviancy
  • Abortionists will fight any regulation of abortion at the federal or state level
  • Other states will follow California in allowing boys to use the girls locker rooms and bathrooms if their gender identity so dictates

Dear readers, do not be dismayed when these things come to pass. These events must occur as the moral fiber of society breaks down. Other societies experienced some of the same types of decay before they collapsed.

But more so now, as we head toward global unity and the preparation for the one who will provide the solution for an upcoming political and economic crisis.  These events prepare the way for the anti-Christ or the Son of Perdition, the one who will appear as a savior but will ultimately set up the Abomination of Desolation mentioned by the prophet Daniel and referenced by Jesus.

The Bible tells us that in the end-times morality will break down and people will become more evil.

This accelerated course evident in the last few years will intensify in 2014.

And it must be so because the Word of God told us so.

1But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. (2 Tim 1-5)

12Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived (2 Tim 12)

Photograph: Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters

Father and Mother Make the Family


In the aftermath of the unthinkable tragedy which occurred this past week when NFL star Adrian Peterson’s 2-year-old son was assaulted and killed by his mother’s boyfriend, Delight in Truth is once again considering the national tragedy of children born out-of-wedlock. Up to 40% of children born in the US today are born outside of marriage, and the percent rises to 72 in the case of black children.

There is a new term in social work describing the relationship between unmarried, divorced, or non-cohabitating parents.


The family unit is no longer a unit in a large segment of homes. In those cases children no longer get the necessary father-mother-child interaction that is a God ordained family structure.

So the children suffer on multiple levels.  Decreased performance in school, emotional problems, and abuse.  And death.

Single parent homes have become the norm, and gay couples raising children are on the rise. But fresh data out of Canada just dropped a bomb on the idea that children do just as well in gay households as in traditional families. The large study reveals that children raised by gay couples were only 65% as likely to graduate from high school compared with their traditional counterparts.  This differential continued when appropriate controls were run for level of income, poverty, and other variables.

The death of Peterson’s toddler shook up the national scene this weekend because as we know America worships football and large numbers of fans were exposed to the terrible news.

Delight in Truth will now make the unpopular and painful claim that this child’s death was a direct result of living in a broken home without everyday access to the love and protection of a father.  

The progressives will not like this, but it is the truth. Such brutality would not have occurred in a loving marriage where the children are celebrated as a gift from God.

Is there child abuse in homes with a father and mother? Yes, but this is another topic for another article.

They went to Jesus and asked him about couples splitting up and how they should go about that process. He simply said: “it was not this way from the beginning.” God ordained the family to be a unit, and tragedies like this one are a consequence of man rebelling against God’s principles. Again and again.

Please keep the parents and relatives of this toddler in prayer during this difficult time.

Photo: USA Today

Fuller Seminary, the Progressive?

About Fuller Image

The famous Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California has crossed a line that is becoming increasingly blurry within the lukewarm church today.

The Christian evangelical college has opened its doors to a gay/lesbian student club on campus.  CBN reports that about three dozen students are members in this club, and their mission is to support the  “LGBTQ community at Fuller Seminary,” per their public statement.

Evangelist Charles E. Fuller who founded the school in 1947 must be rolling in his grave by now.

Fuller Seminary like other Christian colleges, is compromising the message of the gospel by endorsing this club.  Fuller is preparing the future wave of evangelists and pastors, and given the current social pressures to “equalize love,” these young ministers-to-be will potentially be swayed to accept the LGBT lifestyle as normative and within scriptural bounds.

Scripture rings true in Romans 1:32 when it tells us that people know God’s decrees (Fuller in this case) and despite knowing God’s decrees they give approval to those who practice such lifestyles, by officially endorsing them.

I am sure there are many born-again students and faculty at Fuller who love God and who are disappointed by this turn of events.  Their school has become a social and political battleground for the progressive wave, and there is not much they can do about it.

Fuller is not alone in this shift.  Azusa Pacific University in California, another Christian college, has been invaded by progressive faculty eager to advance the LGBT agenda.  This trend will continue in the future, and it will encroach even upon conservative churches.

Delight in Truth is writing about this development in order to warn the body of Christ that apostle Paul’s teaching to Timothy regarding the last days stands:

“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. ” 2 Tim 3:12-13 ESV

image http://www.fuller.edu

Five Questions Christians in American Society Should Ponder

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision which made the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, Christians have reason to be worried.  Justice Kennedy was loud and clear when he wrote that the only possible motive to be against gay marriage is hatred.  That was codified talk by Kennedy targeting Christians as a hateful group.

Delight in Truth feels this will become the underlying motive for hate-speech legislation in our country in the near future.

We must start to really think about these 5 issues as presented by Todd Friel on his show:

1. Will churches lose their tax exempt status because they believe what the Bible teaches about homosexual sin?

2. Will pastors be forced to officiate same-sex marriage against orthodox interpretation of the Bible?

3. Will Christian schools be forced to endorse the progressive agenda or lose accreditation?

4. Will pastors be able to counsel persons struggling with homosexual desires and tell them that such lifestyle is sinful?

5. Will parents be able to tell their children that homosexuality is a sin?

I predict we will see lawsuits against churches claiming discrimination because gay church members will not be given pulpit time or worship leading roles.  It has already happened at Mariner’s church in Irvine, CA when the church fired their gay choir director when he came out of the closet.  After a 6 year legal battle the church won the case.  I foresee many churches losing these types of lawsuits in the future based on discrimination and hate speech laws.

I write about these things because the Church needs to prepare for these events.  We must continue to press forward, make the Gospel our number one mission, and pray that the Holy Spirit will change the lives we touch.

Rick Warren on Homosexuality… Again

Double-speak and incomplete gospel statements have become the norm for the best-selling author and star pastor Rick Warren.

This post is not about the sin of homosexuality, but it is about pastor Warren and the false gospel he affirmed in the strongest terms to date.

Let us look at his statements in context.  The following is part of a recent interview with the Huffington post.

“I have many, many gay friends, and have worked around the world with them in gay organizations to try to stop AIDS,” Warren said.

“What about the love part, though? I hear about the AIDS part,” asked the interviewer.

“It’s not illegal to love somebody,” Warren replied.

“But you think it’s a sin,” the interviewer said.

No, it’s not a sin to love somebody,” Warren said.

“It might be a sin to have sex with them,” he added. “It might be.”

Then Warren was asked if homosexual people will go to hell.

“No, not because they’re gay,” he said. “We go to Hell because we choose to reject the grace of God.”

When asked what happens to a homosexual that accepts Jesus, Warren responded enthusiastically.

“He’s going to Heaven!” he declared. “Without a doubt.”

In the strongest terms to date Warren has appeased the LGBT community (even though they will still not be happy with a half endorsement).  The Bible clearly says that “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.” (Lev 20:13).  In the context of homosexuality Warren tells us that it ONLY “might be a sin.”

The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals… will inherit the kingdom of God.” Warren tells us the opposite, that is such people ‘without a doubt‘ will go to heaven.

This is a half truth which will derail the salvation of many. Satan told Adam and Eve a half truth as well and we are now reaping the results of their actions.

Rick Warren does not have the fortitude to deliver a complete gospel message, which makes it a false gospel .

The full gospel message in this situation is that a gay person can be saved and go heaven without a doubt if he/she repents of the sin of homosexuality including the homosexual lifestyle, and puts their trust in Christ for delivery from this (and any other) sinful passion.  This applies to any sinner bound in the chains of darkness not just the homosexual.

When will Rick Warren stop preaching a false gospel to the lost?

Ten Bible Verses Against Sexual Immorality

Deuteronomy 23:17-18 “None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, and none of the sons of Israel shall be a cult prostitute.

2 Kings 23:7 And he broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes who were in the house of the LORD, where the women wove hangings for the Asherah (Josiah’s reforms)

1 Corinthians 10:8 We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day.

Jude 1:7 Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire

Isaiah 3:9 For the look on their faces bears witness against them; they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it

Romans 1:24-27 …God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Ephesians 5:3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.

Matthew 5:32 But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery

Mark 9:42 “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea”

Exodus 20:14 You shall not commit adultery

DOMA Unconstitutional


It must be so.

If we are to believe the Bible, than this development is on course for the end times described in multiple places in the Bible.

Delight in Truth predicted here that the Defense of Marriage Act will be repealed making gay marriage an official institution in this country. It was inevitable given our moral slippage.

This will continue. LBGT rights will invade in the most unlikely of places: the church. The Body of Christ will be affected but not destroyed. It will continue to thrive spiritually but details such as loss of tax exempt status and hate speech legislation will become the mainstay of our lives going forward.

Preaching against the depravity listed in Romans 1 will become unlawful.

Denying a marriage ceremony to a same sex couple may become punishable by a revocation of license, a fine or worse… Jail time.

Repealing DOMA is just a step in a process that is leading to a final and glorious event: the second coming of our Lord.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV

“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.”