Jesus Can Forgive Even the Sin of Abortion

Jesus can forgive in fact any sin if the sinner repents.

As I review my patient’s surgical histories, I come across a high percentage of women who have had at least one abortion.  Many of them are remorseful knowing they extinguished a life, while others would not have a problem wearing a “I had an abortion” t-shirt at a pro-choice rally.

The following comment was left on my blog as a response to one of Delight in Truth’s most popular articles “Face to Face With the Reality of Abortion” (here) .  It comes  from a Christian woman who had an abortion in her youth.  It is an uplifting message of repentance and redemption.  She is an example that the blood of Christ can cover any sin, even one as horrific as abortion.  Her blog The Narrowing Path is here.

“For those who have posed the question…if you want to know how a woman could do such a thing [abort her baby], you could ask one directly. Some of us are more than willing to be honest about our experience.

It is one of the most horrendous things a woman can go through, and only the Lord himself can heal a person from the trauma of it. I know, I had one when I was a young adult. At the time, I was spiraling into a breakdown, and couldn’t even process the information about my “options”. I saw none, and with terrible dread every step of the way, went through with it, knowing it was an abominable thing to do, as my mum held my hand and bid farewell to her first grandchild.

I have wept more than I could have ever imagined over this experience, and it certainly was very poignant when my first son was born a decade later. My two children are such an undeserved gift from the Lord, given the fact that I killed my first child.

I share my story sometimes, as a support to others, and also to remind people who even Christians can backslide into terrible sinning and find themselves in this situation.

There are options, and as Christians, abortion is not one of them. It is humbling when you look at the ten commandments and have to admit to all of them, murder included. Thankfully we have a merciful and gracious God, who washes us clean with the blood of his precious Son.

From blood-red to snowy white.

The Lord has now healed me from that trauma, and forgiven me for that heinous sin. I pray that we can show the same compassion to others who have been through similar situations, without ever condoning the practice at any stage in a pregnancy.”

image credit

Gosnell’s Jury was Pro-Choice

Which makes the first degree conviction for ensuring the premature babies’ demise after they were aborted alive that much more significant.

Nine jurors were pro-choice which means they adopted a relative morality with respect to abortion.  Kind of like… everyone does whatever they want with their body.

Two jurors said they were neither pro-choice nor pro-life, which makes them indifferent to abortion.  

The remaining juror is assumed to be pro-life.

From the very beginning of the trial Delight in Truth was highly skeptical that a verdict of Murder One would come through.  Many experts expected a manslaughter conviction, at the maximum.  

The odds were overwhelmingly in Gosnell’s favor given the makeup of the jury, yet after hearing the testimony, the jury could not be indifferent to life.  The jury unanimously decided that those aborted babies were murdered by Gosnell.

The defense was shocked.  

They suspected coercion, or something fishy with the jury.  They insisted that each juror be questioned individually and asked if they agreed with the verdict.  

Each juror, one by one, was polled individually and each gave a resounding “I agree!” with the verdict.

A brief internet search reveals that this conviction may be the first of its kind in the post Roe v. Wade era.  It is a symbolic victory.  It shows how ridiculous it is to think that it is ok to kill a fetus in-utero, but it is murder to kill her post delivery.  It points to the double standard we accept in our society that it is ok to kill the unborn, as long as they are in the womb.

Let us hope that we will see a genuine pro-life shift in this country as a result of this trial.

Abortionists at large took notice of it, I guarantee it.

“When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Proverbs 21:15

image credit: YahooNews

Face to Face With the Reality of Abortion


I had passed many times by this door.

My naive mind always wondered why a door in the middle section of a hospital ward would have a “NOT AN EXIT” sign on it.

“It should be obvious this is not an exit… it is right in the middle of a large a building… “ I thought.

It was next to one of the elevators of a large level-1 trauma county hospital and very close to the obstetrics ward.  Dozens of happy new mothers would pass by this door every week on the way home with a beautiful newborn baby in their arms.

It was the summer of 2000, and I was a 24-year-old newbie medical student on the surgical clerkship when the issue of abortion finally became as real as it gets.  It was time to rotate through the anesthesiology service as part of the surgical experience, and I was spending some time with a 2nd year anesthesia resident.  We were on our way to prepare the obstetrics operating rooms for scheduled C-sections that day.

“Hey, I’ll show you a neat short cut to the operating room…” he says.

He headed straight for the mysterious door with the puzzling sign on it, and we entered.

To my amazement it felt like I stepped into another world.  I just went from a noisy environment of sick patients, infections, trauma, alcoholism and other plagues associated with county hospitals, into a large pre-operative waiting room filled with a dozen young and healthy looking women dressed in hospital gowns.

The room was filled with a silence as thick as death itself.

“They are waiting to get their abortions done” he whispered to me as we hurried on our way.

My heart sank as I saw the nervous, worried and guilty looks on their faces.

A horrific big picture fell into place for me that morning.  A picture that is replicated thousands of times across America in slaughter houses called “family planning clinics.”

A few months later I returned to the “county” for my 2 month OB-Gyn clerkship, and during orientation the coordinator of the slaughter-house showed up.  To this day I remember her first and last name, her face, and the air of feminist liberation in her voice.

“We are excited you will spend a week with us in the abortion clinic where you will participate in these procedures which stand for freedom of choice for women” she said.

“God, how am I going to make it through a week of this…? God, help me exercise the faith You put in me… I don’t care if I fail this clerkship, but I know You will not let me participate in shedding innocent blood”

I raised my hand and I said:

“My faith in God precludes me from participating in abortion. I hope this will not interfere with my OB-Gyn clinicals…”

There were 5 med students on that rotation, and to my surprise a female student echoed my sentiment.  If I remember correctly she was a Catholic.

Imagine the shock on the abortion coordinator’s face when light (the mention of faith in God) penetrated the darkness in her heart.  She was hardened to the point where she could not understand why we did not accept the “greatest” achievement that has ever occurred in the feminist movement, the holy grail of their agenda- a woman’s right to terminate her baby.

“Why are you even here? Why are you wasting your talents and your education? Why can’t you have an open mind and accept what we deem right as a society?”

Thank God for another reasonable clerkship director who honored our request.  Not all Christians are quite so fortunate.  There are reports in the media of nurses who lost their job because they refused to participate in termination of pregnancy.  They underwent legal recourse and lost that too.

By the grace of God I spend one week there without participating in the murder of the unborn.  I spoke to many teen girls who were about to undergo abortion.  I even tried secretly, yet unsuccessfully, to show them other options.

Ultimately, God taught me a lesson as He turned an anxiety provoking situation into a blessing.  In the end I earned an “honors” grade in Ob-Gyn.

It was a lesson that God wanted to teach me.  To put my trust in Him, and He would deliver me against evil.

Psalm 84:12 “O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusts in you.”

TIME Magazine Misses the Mark… Again

Image of a doctor's surgical bed with stirrups

Well, TIME magazine has a predisposition to exaggerate, and add shock value to their covers.  It started in 1966 when they claimed in big bold letters on their cover: “GOD IS DEAD.”  That title was laughable.  This one is NOT.

“GOD IS DEAD” was laughable because we know that God is exactly where Isaiah saw him “high and lifted up,” and where John saw him in Revelation chapters 4 and 5 receiving the worship of angels, elders and heavenly creatures.

This title however, is built on the 55 million babies who were slaughtered in their mothers wombs since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion.  55 million murders of tiny persons was not enough for the abortion platform to declare victory.

TIME has declared itself as an abortion platform by lamenting the so-called “losing ever since” war. Wow…

The article is only available to subscribers but here are the top complaints of the pro-choice activists:

  • abortion has been regulated at the state level and abortion has become too restrictive
  • 4 states have only one abortion clinic in operation
  • there was a significant drop in abortion doctors in the last 20 years
  • only 41% of the American public identify themselves as pro-choice
  • in-fighting among feminists (young vs. old)
  • defending the status-quo is always harder than fighting to change it
  • ultrasound technology makes the babies look… human

These abortion activists must be living in a parallel universe!

Here are the numbers again: 55 million aborted, that is 1,375,000 million abortions per year! Almost 40% of the US female population has had at least one abortion!

If this was a physical war, the casualties are all one-sided.  This is not a losing war for the abortionists, its is a hands down epic slaughter of tiny innocent lives…

There is one point in the article which is true.  As a physician in a metropolitan area, I know hundreds of other physicians, and there are thousands of physicians in my city.  Among all doctors, there are only two who provide abortions.  One is in his 80’s and another is probably in his 70’s.  The new generation of physicians are grossed out by abortion and they do not want to do it.  We view it as a creepy field to specialize in, and therefore we now have a dramatic reduction in those willing to provide abortions.

For those who are bewildered as to why Christians are so vehemently pro-life, we go to Luke chapter 1 where we read the following about a certain baby who later became the greatest prophet prior to Jesus, John the Baptist:

“he [John] will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb.”

“And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb.  And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit… …For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy”

An unborn baby exhibits the qualities of a PERSON.  He is filled with the Holy Spirit.  He is able to experience the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22), joy.  He leaped for joy!  How can any Christian ignore such strong language?

Many Christians will only read about abortion.  They will never encounter abortion other than being aware of the statistics.

On the other hand, as a young medical student I came face to face with harsh reality of abortion…

It was an early morning in an old county hospital in July, 2000…

to be continued… (here)