Testimony from Norway’s CPS Victims: Real and Raw

These are videos with stories directly from Barnevernet victims.  PLEASE SHARE these videos in the hope that many good and compassionate Norwegians will find out about the human rights violations happening in Norway, and hold Barnevernet accountable. Many thanks to Evgeni Dyakonov [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trc1w3k4G7Q ] for allowing us to share these videos on Facebook and Delight in Truth. We hope these clips penetrate deep into the heart of Norway.


This is Marilena, an immigrant from Brazil. Barnevernet took her 5 children. She was unaware of the accusations against her when they took her children. She was a new immigrant to Norway and had language difficulties, therefore she could not communicate well with Barnevernet. Her family’s life has been destroyed.



Mahboubeh is also an immmigrant. She does not know the reason her son has been removed. It later came out that her 10-year-old son longs for his mom, but this information has been kept hidden from her.


Samson is from Ethiopia. He has been living in Norway since age 15. His three children were confiscated. Initially he was able to see the kids 6 times per year, but now Barnevernet put an end to all visitation.



70 comments on “Testimony from Norway’s CPS Victims: Real and Raw

  1. Pingback: Testimony from Norway’s CPS Victims: Real and Raw | ARMONIA MAGAZINE - USA

  2. Barbaric is the only word i find, heartless people who would do this to children and normal parents for a hand full of money.
    Gods judgment is on such people.
    We pray that Norwegian Cristian would repent and call upon Gods mearcy for theyr country

      I suppose CPS workers feel as cold about the parents we see in these interviews as Mr Nygaard exemplifies, when he write this:
      “You can speak as much as you like, but the information coming out is not the truth about the CPS in Norway – not important for Christians? – telling the truth? – just being a microphone based on a handful of chronic CPS-haters and two handful of oneeyed stories from parents that did not win their legal cases??”
      May 7,

      Cristian Ionescu Bombshell to Norway: “God Forbid They Not Return the Kids… We Do not Play Tic Tac Toe With Norway”

      Looking the way they do on despairing, loving parents who lost their children in the senseless court system, it is perhaps no wonder that CPS people bring several hefty policemen along when they take children from their homes.

      • Yes Marianne, it is hard to understand how people like Knut, can keep on telling us this kind of empty talk.
        As far as I remember he mentioned before that he have children of his own.
        What it takes for a human to treat other people in this way?
        is difficult to understand.
        The fact of the matter is that many people are fitting this category.
        it reminds me of Rudolf Hoess , the commander of Auschwitz in charge with the murder of thousands of women and children.Quote:
        By day he would order the gassing of children inmates of his camp,but in his garden he would play hide and sick with his five children and recited poetry to them.
        By day he ordered the deaths of thousand of people,but at home he enjoined playing games with his children.
        May God give this people repentance and soften their hearts to the suffering of their fellow brothers.

          I think perhaps much of it boils down to believing that the people one “punishes” or “eradicates” are harmful, morally deficient, etc. The Nazis, like many in German culture right back from the 19th century, believed in a kind of biology which said that people evolve together with their environment, like plants which adapt to the kind of soil they grow in. So they thought that the Germans were the only legitimate people to live on German soil. The Jews, they thought, had migrated and spread all over Europe “where they did not belong”. They considered them like weeds, harmful in Germany because they had come as “invaders”. These beliefs were actually part of the world-leading biology of the day, respected as utterly “advanced and scientific”.
           Which shows how much speculation is found in science – of which we have daily proof in the things dished out by the “child sciences” of our times.

        • I think this foreign bloggers and commenters understand that you are not in touch with anything that can help this particular family or have something to use of language and knowledge that are adecvate for a movement for ?? in a land high up in the North where we now have some rare days with temperature around 24C.

        • “Which shows how much speculation is found in science – of which we have daily proof in the things dished out by the ‘child sciences’ of our times.”

          I am very appreciative of this statement, Marianne.

          “I think this foreign bloggers and commenters understand that you are not in touch with anything that can help this particular family or have something to use of language and knowledge that are adecvate for a movement for ?? in a land high up in the North where we now have some rare days with temperature around 24C.”

          This statement again demonstrates how Marianne’s thoughtful words continue to devastate your words, Knut. She speaks for the lives of those in despair. You speak of the weather.

      The article is copied from Dagbladet (probably illegally, since it was written by Dagbladet’s journalists). Here is the proper link:

      Barnevernet of course wants more people. Minister Horne, on the other hand, does not think that a numerical standard is “the way to go”, she wants “better education” for CPS workers. (Neither more people nor more education will of course help against the screwy ideology.) Horne will probably get some municipalities het up when she says: “Kommuner med god ledelse, har et godt barnevern” (Municipalities with good leadership have a good Barnevern). This statement is also a new proof of the pudding for thise who believe her when she says she is eager for reform?

      An interesting point is what the statistical bureau’s numbers say:
      The number of personnel leaving the CPS from 2010 to 2011 was 31.5 %. Among the institutions chosen for comparison, only the institutions for child and youth protection had a higher changeover rate. The percentage of people leaving municipal CPS was highest among employees under 35 years of age and was decreasing with increasing age.

    • The article is copied from Dagbladet (probably illegally, since it was written by Dagbladet’s journalists). Here is the proper link:

      Barnevernet of course wants more people. Minister Horne, on the other hand, does not think that a numerical standard is “the way to go”, she wants “better education” for CPS workers. (Neither more people nor more education will of course help against the screwy ideology.) Horne will probably get some municipalities het up when she says: “Kommuner med god ledelse, har et godt barnevern” (Municipalities with good leadership have a good Barnevern). This statement is also a new proof of the pudding for thise who believe her when she says she is eager for reform?

      An interesting point is what the statistical bureau’s numbers say:
      The number of personnel leaving the CPS from 2010 to 2011 was 31.5 %. Among the institutions chosen for comparison, only the institutions for child and youth protection had a higher changeover rate. The percentage of people leaving municipal CPS was highest among employees under 35 years of age and was decreasing with increasing age.

    • Hmm.. I just wonder what Norwegian autorithies CI met in Norway and what impact his visit in the free and democratic nations is making? I have just read that he is lunching with the infamous Jan Aage Torp; that he met a pentacostal that new Ruth and of cause quite understandable – a visit to
      the ammunition for this ongoing internal case where the parents and their lawyers ( what are they doing? – this case shouldn’t be hard to win) and the CPS in Naustdal is involved – Mr. I and is others just stand on the outside looking in hoping for the best for this poor family.

      • Knut you are all over the place in your comments. We see Marianne’s contribution very precious, and every time on the subject. In the same way, what you see about our brother Ionescu is wrong: Quote
        Mr. I and is others just stand on the outside looking in hoping for the best for this poor family.
        Neither MR Ionescu nor others stay on the outside and hope for the best in Bodnariu case.We have a great God and we still have a heart which you seems to have lost.
        We do not, and we will not stay doing nothing. Though the battle may seems to be like the one between David and Goliath we have the courage to stand up to this adversary and by Gods grace we will defeat this monster.
        Some time i wonder reading your comments is this all you can say? The answer is that you have nothing at all to say to be relevant and useful.

    • How do they know that the children really were abused? I know of a number of cases – new – where the same kind of old accusations and “proof”, like “signs” exhibited by children are taken in the same way as twenty years ago. It is very harmful and does not make it any easier to judge which cases are real ones.

      The people who say this: “Abused children are not believed” are all to credulous. How Two of the lawyers interviewed are entirely with the “professionals” in their belief in the expertise of psychologists to “see” whether abuse accusations are true. The same two lawyers, Thea Totland and Cecilia Dinardi, and partly Hege Salomon, are eager that Norway should have “special” courts for child cases. They also do not want private parties to be allowed to engage their own expert witnesses. Totland has been active among the 150 experts who signed the protest to the government last year, but seems only to think that the CPS lacks somewhat in expertise.
         I will remind people that Norway has had a considerable number of people, mostly men, put in jail for years on the basis of false and untenable accusations. Some have committed suicide and all have had their lives gravely affected, even ruined.
         To be against violence and sex abuse of children is not the same as believing in all the accusations of such cooked up by exactly the same people and circles who support the CPS to be even more active. All this superstition, setting demands for proof aside, is still circulating in the world and one has to stand up against it.

      • I dont know Marianne, but I believe that in some cases abuse really happens. Though I think its a very low number. (not talking about mild corporal punishment here). I think its a difference, how the testimony was obtained, how old that child was, how serious the claims were etc and of course if police & medical examination can support it. We had in Slovakia a horrible case of child abuse, nobody has noticed anything for years. This had a tragic ending for the girl, who was tortured by her step father to death. In Czech there was also a very bad case of abuse of two boys by its own mother and aunt. Again I think these are exceptions luckily, here the social services failed as well.

        • but again these ppl were convicted and are now in prison. People should not think black and white. Every case is unique. I dont think it should be a reason for taking more children though, but they should do their job. Protect children who really need it.

          Yes of course abuse and even torture and killings of children occur. But notice:
             First of all, that the frequency of abuse is sky high for OTHER people than own parents doing it, especially for serious abuse. The case you mention from Slovakia concerned a STEP father, and step parents are absolutely over-represented. The best research about this is published in a long series of articles by Canadian top research psychologists Martin Daly and Margo Wilson. Abuse by step parents is up to a hundred TIMES (not per cent but “times”) more frequent by step-parents as by biological parents.

             Second: The fact that non-relatives are more frequent abusers also means that if you increase the number of children living with non-relatives – be they step-parents, foster parents or institutional carers – the frequency of abuse will increase. As long as few children live apart from their parents, you hardly notice it, because in absolute numbers children abused by their parents may be larger. But proportionally (and this is what counts for statistics and for trying to predict what may happen) it is clear:
             Say you have 100 children living at home with their parents and 5 children living with fosterers. Let us say that 4 of the “home” children are abused and 1 of the foster children. That means that 4% of “home” children are abused and 20% of foster children. If the percentage of foster children is then increased and the percentages stay the same, for example to a point where one half of all children live away from their parents, then out of a hundred children you must expect 2 to be abused by their parents and 10 of foster children to be abused. So now the absolute number of abused children has risen too.

            Thirdlyly, everyone would agree that child abuse occurs and that it should be looked out for and stopped whenever discovered. But the jump from that to thinking that the CPS or psychologists or other present-day child “experts” are capable of doing it, is more than dangerous. It is completely misleading. Looking at what these circles have produced in the way of “signs of abuse”, “evidence”, “investigative methods” and “theories” and FALSE evidence, over the last 30 years and more, not to mention how they treat the children they get into their power in order to protect them and remedy assumed abuse by parents, there is every reason to say: they should at almost all cost be prevented from having anything to do with this subject. One has to revert to old-fashioned methods of investigation as carried out by sober-headed police in sensible societies with realistic ideas about human beings.

             Letting the present day social services & co in Western countries be the ones to do the job is just about the worst you can do to children. They have produced case after case, probably in their thousands, of innocently imprisoned parents, destroyed families, unprotected children.

        • Marianne, would you mind of sending us a link to a (reliable, academic) study or (reliable) article or SSB page which would proved that 2 of 10 chiildren in foster families have been abused in recent years or period of time? Thank you, because I would be grateful for so called “hard facts.”

        • Thank you for the statistics. Its obvious that the chance is much higher at foster parents to be abused than at home. I also think it should be clear evidence that abuse has happened in the biological family, before the children are taken away. Obviously its not the case. In the cases I have mentioned above , all of the people involved in the abuse are now in prison. The case in Slovakia was very tragic as the girl was dead for 3 years and nobody was even missing her. She was 5 years old when she died. CPS got many concerns but did not react, the girl had bruises etc..When they found her she would have been 8 years, that means in the 2nd grade at least. For me the people who did it, can stay in the prison forever, no excuse.

        • The numbers given, 4% versus 20%, are in order to help you understand statistics. I quite realise that some fairly simple figures are necessary to make this clear to people not used to calculation, that is why I chose 100 and 10 as an example. They are not taken from particular studies, and what I wrote should make that clear. But the statistics of real abuse of children living with a non-relative are very high. I suggest you read some of the articles by Daly and Wilson, cf http://www.mhskanland.net/page62/page131/page131.html
          and get the little book “The Truth About Cinderella”. It is meaningless to base oneself upon emotions in assessing such matters realistically. It is also meaningless to discuss what I write about Daly and Wilson’s research; go to their writings and you’ll find that they have thoroughly investigated all possible “confounds” (a confound is a circumstance other than the one one is investigating, a “distracting factor” which might nevertheless be responsible for some of the results), the probability of their results being accidental (i.e. based on accidents of sampling) you can check with anyone familiar with statistics at all, and the difference between biological parents and step-parents, even relatively stable step-parents, is far greater than anything which it is common to find in studies of social phenomena.
             These facts found in statistics have nothing to go with my “reactions” or with my “wanting” to find this or that. Quite the contrary: The statistics constitute a very grave warning against believing what one wants to believe, about idyllic utopias in foster or adoptive circumstances based on single cases. Certainly outcomes vary, how could they fail to? – but the very clear collected evidence is that the CHANCES of it going well for children are much, much higher with its biological parents than with any other care-givers. Therefore very solid evidence is needed before depriving a child of its own parents by force. If a child wants to move and sticks to that, then let it – that is another matter altogether.
             The most important thing remains: Leaving the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of child abuse to the social services and clinical psychologists is a very dangerous road to follow.

        • Nobody believes your assumptions anymore – todays dessert was nonsense deluxe.

        • “Therefore very solid evidence is needed before depriving a child of its own parents by force.”

          Thank you for providing us links to established research, Marianne.

          “Nobody believes your assumptions anymore – todays dessert was nonsense deluxe.”

          One again lies and insults and no answers, Knut. I was wondering about your late showing earlier today. I wondered if you were OK. I have a solid answer to that question and have had so for quite some time now. No, you are not OK.

      • Dear Marianne, to be honest I expected that you would react to this article this way. It seems to me that you are always ready to defend the opinion that CPS shouldn´t have removed a child in a particular case. But what about the opposite mistake of CPS employees? Couldn´t you admit that CPS and the courts should have trusted a child more and protected him or her earlier? What do you know exactly about the cases which were mentionned on TV2 page? There were even some adult people in Norway who have been complaining that nobody had listed to them when they had been children and they had suffered a lot in their own families. Some adults are grateful to CPS (“CPS saved my life”), but you almost never believe these positive experiences and you and the others (opponents of CPS) usually blame these people of being corrupted or paid by “an enemy” and not trustworthy at all (i. e. Change factory). But… what if the children knew their personal history better than everyone else and they had reason to think positively about CPS work… what if CPS failed because they hadn´t removed a child in need immediately?Could you admit that these cases have been going on? That it´s not all only about unnecessary removals of children?
        Every case is different and some children may be happy in foster family who have been taking care of them, happier than in their own family (due to violence or alcoholism or drug abuse or malnoutrishment or psychological terror or whatever)-

        • I suppose the problem in Barnevern cases goes both ways; children who should not have been taken away are taken and children who should have been taken are not taken away. Both is tragic! Allegations of sexual abuse should be taken very seriously! The investigations should be handled by competent expertise.

        • The only logical conclusion I can come to based on the truth of Pavla’s, and Hildi”s statements above is that there is an agenda to destroy the family. After God’s true Church (not a building or denomination), the family is the most important institution on this planet. Both are under severe attack in our day. Evil is afoot.

  3. My eldest daughter just called me and told me that when she was taking the bus today she saw news about Barnevernet’s attrocities in Norway. They have these screens on public transport with short news headlines written and running all the time.Can you imagine; All of Switzerland is watching this news on all busses and trains in all of Switzerland today!!! I am so glad this is coming out! The international pressure is becoming even greater! Barnevernet cannot hide it anymore!

      • He used up some of his energy arguing against me on the Norwegian blog yesterday. Maybe he also has some work to catch up on. I`m sure he will be back soon.

        I will soon take the bus to see if I can watch the news about Barnevernet on the screen. My husband thought they change it all the time. But I`ll go and see. My daughter said there was a picture with “Fight Barnevernet”. I suppose it was one of those posters. I`ll let you know more if I see it.

        • That is incredible Hildi, that they show it in Switzerland. Did it have a lot of attention on the news? In case of Romania and Czechia its logical, because there are high profile cases involved with Barnevernet. Does Switzerland also have some?

    • Just relaxing – this is quite boring. As most discussions with two opinions or more – it’s not that entertaining.

  4. It hasn`t had so much attention here in Switzerland up till now. But there has been a little bit on the Internet. One of my friends signed the petition from getting the information from a Swiss Internet site.I do not know about any cases where Swiss have been involved in with Barnevernet in Norway. I guess there are not so many Swiss in Norway.

  5. Hey, we in Norway are close to the celebration of national holiday – the 17th of May – for those of you that don’t have knowledge of or experienced – here is a short video in english

    • ….”elsker, elsker det og tenker på vår far og mor…..”
      ….”love it, love it and think of our father and mother…..”

      I pray that the children in Norway won`t just “think” of their fathers and mothers but that they can celebrate together with their mums, dads, brothers and sisters!

        I can tell you that many parent victims of Barnevernet cannot bear to go out that day, without their children, to hear all the fancy words about our freedom and our triumphs.

        The 17th May is above all a day for children. The idea of a children’s procession (boys at the start) stems from the 19th century and it has developed. There are solemns ceremonies and flowers at places sommemorating those who fell for our freedom in the last war, but no military parades. It is especially cruel, it seems to me, to deprive children that day of being with their parents.

        One couple here in Oslo whose children were taken, absolutely without valid reason, told me they had a terrible 17th May, because the daughter was allowed to come home that day but not the son. The daughter cried the whole day and spoke about not being able to live any more.

        One mother was living not far away from her daughter’s foster home and her daughter’s school, in other words in the local area where the children’s 17 May procession will be. She was instructed by Barnevernet that she could go and see the children’s procession but she was not allowed to wave to her daughter.

        I also know of some children who have rebelled against going to the celebrations at all, because they are not allowed to be home.

        The sadism is unbelievable – and being unbelievable, people sdo not believe it or understand it.

        • Yes, 17th May is a very special day indeed, and especially for the children. I remember when I was little and stayed with my parents in Hong Kong. It was one of the best days of the year when we celebrated 17th May together with all the other Norwegians at the Norwegian Seamans Church.I proudly told my friends at school that we were going to celebrate “Syttende Mai” and couldn`t quite figure out why my friends, who didn`t come from Norway, didn`t know what “Syttende Mai” was:-)

          I am thinking of the picture of the Bodnariu children posing together in their national costumes in front of their apple tree almost a year ago….. Oh, how I dream that they will pose together again this year, all 7 of of them in front of their apple tree !

        • That is horrible Marianne. Poor parents and children. Not even wave the daughter? It reminds me on an article from a Norwegian grandma whose grandchild was in care. They met accidentally and grandma bought him an ice cream and gave him a hug. She was later instructed that she should not have done it. The CPS workers told her that she can just greet the child and walk away. The grandma asked what type of people are that, what do they know about children’s psychology. To me, people like that are heartless robots.

          Yes, Pavla, that again is a belief the Barnevern employees and their psycho-babblers have from “attachment theory”. I have had a bit or correspondence, together with others, with the mother of the child “with the ice-cream” and the grandmother; the case stems from west of Oslo and is not very old.
          Also cf point (18) here: http://www.mhskanland.net/page10/page122/page122.html

          Barnevernet’s people are serious in their aims: they want to break any bond which the children may have to their parents, and they use any means of breaking it, including lying to children and parents about not being wanted, not being missed.

          Actually, Barnevernet has a standard phrase when children want to be with their real family on important days, likewise when parents apply for the children to be allowed home at least on such dates.

          Barnevernet: “We consider that children should spend important days in the milieu where they receive their daily care.”

          No doubt they possess “deep” psychobabble research and pedagogics to explain this rule.
          So, according to them, it is unnatural or wrong, too, if children living at home with their parents go to spend a Christmas with their grandparents, with or even without their parents.

          Of course the real reason is that they do not want the children to re-experience the warm feelings of being together with their loved ones. Barnevernet is afraid of that, because it exposes all they have done to separate the family, to be wrong and harmful, AND it gives children and parents new strength to fight, when they again experience the wonder of belonging.

        • “…AND it gives children and parents new strength to fight, when they again experience the wonder of belonging.”

          They certainly can’t allow that, Marianne.

    • That is a deep wish every family, both parents and children who have been separated by Barnevernet, have every Christmas, every 17th May, every birthday, every “mother’s day”, every “father’s day”.

  6. It is almost half a year since Barnevernet took the Bodnariu children away from their precious mum and dad who love them more than any other. It`s about time they can come back home again now !!!!!!!

  7. Barnevernet in Norway is a terror organization, created by the socialist regime in Norway (Arbeiderpartiet) and used to terrorize parents that doesnt raise their kids the wa the socialists wants. Barnevernet may kidnap any kids they want, with no legal rights. All the need is a “hunch” that the kids are mistreated, no real proof. Its unbelievable that Norway allow this, Norway – a country that put human rights before anything else…..unless when it comes to children. Then they can break any rule and kidnap kids without any concequences for the people behind the kidnappings

    • I didn’t search hard, Asle, but the Arbeiderpartiet has decreased membership by 75% since 1950. There membership only had some 56,000 two years ago. How can such a small organization have such power. Can you name names and give some details of terror activity?

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