Barnevernet Terror: Romanian-Norwegian Child Abusively and Permanently Confiscated

With sadness and indignation Delight in Truth brings you the story of Cecilie and the injustice done to her by Barnevernet. This is the story of her mixed Romanian-Norwegian daughter who was abusively confiscated and placed in foster care in England. The world needs to know about these cases and rise up in protest against the Norwegian CPS for destroying families.

Cecilie Bedsvaag:

“I can testify that everything said [about CPS] is how it is in Norway today. Barnevernet is an evil organization which removes children permanently from good parents.

It has been eleven years since the first time I came in contact with this demonic institution. On February 21, 2005 my mother reported me to Vinderen barneverntjeneste. It was her birthday. Only a few days before I had given her a portrait of my beautiful daughter, 5 months old, as birthday present. She betrayed me, and in the meeting with the social workers told the most disgusting lies.

I got a telephone call the next day. The social workers were on their way to my house. They were coming in a taxicab. I was devastated, and when they read me the notice of concern aloud I started to cry. Of course, this was taken as proof of mental instability by the two imbeciles from barnevernet. My case was finally dismissed eight months later that year after I had endured two so-called investigations.

Barnevernet left my family alone for almost two years when my mother decided to report me for sexually abusing my daughter. This time my daughter was taken to an emergency shelter where she stayed for two months. I won in the County Board (fylkesnemnda) and got her back.

Barnevernet persevered and a new trial was scheduled in January 2008. Again I won. However I was pressured into having my daughter examined which I did. Nothing was wrong with her. She had an intelligence well above average. But barnevernet were not satisfied. My mother continued sending false notices of concern, and in October that year I lost 2-3 in fylkesnemnda.

Next I was threatened by the judge to have a psychological examination. One clinical psychologist and one psychiatrist were appointed. I did not accept the psychologist who was infamous for always siding with barnevernet. She was biased. The psychiatrist was a communist who had bought himself surrogate twins from India. He was going to raise the children alone, without a mother.

The judge tricked me into coming to Oslo after she had disclosed the report to barnevernet, and my daughter was confiscated without a court decision. The trial lasted four days and took place behind closed doors. I was not represented by a lawyer. Barnevernet’s witnsses were mostly anonymous. Their identity was not disclosed to me. During the trial the judge kept laughing. It was a trivial case for her, “en sånn barnevernsak” she said first time I met her.

It was only three weeks since my daughter had been taken away from me, and I was in psychological pain. Still they expected me to shake hands with the social worker who had taken my daughter. I did not, and the visitation was reduced from 4 to 2 hours every second month. I saw my daughter six times. Then all visitation rights were denied.

Today my daughter lives in England with a surrogate family. The address has been secret for seven years and we are not allowed any direct contact. I send letters and gifts every month and barnevernet reads my letters and open the packages. My daughter is doing well in school and she is fine. She wrote me a letter telling me that she would like to speak with me. Barnevernet will not let us meet until she is 18 years old.

They have also threatened me with forced adoption. I am treated like a criminal. The leader of barnevernet keeps telling everyone that I have battered her. When I go to London on shopping trip barnevernet alerts the UK police. All the female passengers on my flight on October 22, 2015 from Rygge in Norway had to show their passport to two waiting police officers at Stansted Airport because of barnevernet’s paranoia of kidnapping.

This is my story so far. I give my full support to the Bodnarius. I am not broken but fit for fight, and I will continue to use my pen, not sword, in the fair war against this tyranny.

So help me God.”

16 comments on “Barnevernet Terror: Romanian-Norwegian Child Abusively and Permanently Confiscated

  1. Pingback: Barnevernet Terror: Romanian-Norwegian Child Abusively and Permanently Confiscated | ARMONIA MAGAZINE - USA

  2. I am so sad for you and will keep you in my prayers.
    It is so sickening and perverse that these people will break up natural families in exchange for these twisted representations of families. I read your comment yesterday that your daughter is with a lesbian couple that already has 4 children from an insemination and heterosexual marriage.

    What sane person thinks that is a better and more stable place for a child than with her own loving mother! None!

      • Sorry to be such a sour-puss, but once again I have to say that unfortunately it won’t work, at least not quite the way one thinks.

        Umpty Norwegians have complained to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) over CPS cases. One important win against Norway: Adele Johansen, cf case (a) here:
        A dozen wins or so against Sweden. Many other cases rejected or even won by the state, including cases for which I think the state should definitely have been found guilty. Lots of cases from citizens of other countries too. Some serious judgments against the countries, little or no improvement in legislation or practice. Often the condemned country even strengthens its legislation against parents (they are not supposed to, but that is what they do). They practically never hand back the child, nor can they be required to by the ECtHR.

        Besides, it takes several years to even get to the case being processed for admissability (there are at least 100,000 cases waiting), and before that you have to have “exhausted the domestic legal means”, i.e. having taken the case through all legal procedures up to the supreme court at home. So, yes the Bodnarius can start looking towards the ECtHR, but the case at home is what the CPS is making to drag out now, even before the first decision in the County Committee (the previous decision was just on the justification for the emergency removal).

        So, all right then, if you think the ECtHR is no good (I partly agree partly disagree and anyway it is way better than the Norwegian Supreme Court in CPS cases), then what kind of international court do you have in mind? The CPS is bad in most countries in the Western world and the rot is being spread deliberately by our countries and by such organisations as e.g Save the Children and Unicef :

  3. I have witnessed case in America with similar results There is a lack of wisdom in many powerful places in our world today.

    “During the trial the judge kept laughing. It was a trivial case for her, “en sånn barnevernsak” she said first time I met her.”

    If this is true, as it seems to me as the evidence presented on this blog site continues to become increasingly validated, there is evil afoot in Norway. This doesn’t surprise me as the majority of the country has left the Christian faith. The father of lies has filled the vacuum and the results appear devastating.

    I will remember these folks in my prayers.

    God’s blessings, Delight, for trying to shed light on a subject the mainstream isn’t covering as far as I am aware.

  4. We will pray for you and your douther. God keep you. Or better you should come and live in Russia. We don’t have anything like this

  5. To your information, this blog post has been copied by Vestre Aker barneverntjeneste and used as “evidence” in the up-coming case in the County Board. Again, I have asked to see me daughter and barnevernet has rejected my wish. I hope to see my daughter in the next year. If my daughter reads this, please tell them that you wish to see me. I will persevere until I can see my daughter.

  6. Hi Cecilie,

    This post is being used against you or for you? I’m guessing that it is being used against you from the terminology you have used. With the exception of “gunfighter,” whom I know you don’t know, it seems that this post could be used in your defense instead of against you.

  7. Cecile,

    the really interesting evidence could be the Norwegian news articles being critical of child welfare. First and foremost the famous concerning message on child welfare signed by 170 Norwegian professionals:

    You can find some more in my comments under posts and

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