Why I Am Going to Protest Against Barnevernet in San Francisco

Delight in Truth is going to San Francisco to attend this weekend’s pro-family/anti-Barnevernet protest supporting Bodnariu, Nan and other families devastated by the Norwegian CPS.

Here are some reasons why I am doing this

  1. As a Christian I cannot sit back and watch a great injustice being done in Norway with tacit majority approval from the nordic society. Five children were removed from their family WITHOUT WARNING, WITHOUT INVESTIGATION, AND WITHOUT DUE PROCESS. History and expert testimony shows that there is 96% chance these children will not be returned to their parents! I cannot sit back and watch a family being destroyed by a powerful, state controlled organization. Christians understand this because our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was executed without a fair trial, without due process, and without evidence of wrongdoing. The prophet Isaiah said about Christ: “By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested?” We are witnesses to the oppression and unfair judgement against Bodnariu, but our generation of Christians looks to the Bible and will not be quiet about this injustice. We will protest and we will sound a world-wide alarm.
  2. It takes a family to raise a child. The nordic countries may think that the State is more qualified for the task, but this is clearly not the case. Liberal sociologists have spread their agenda even in government. In the United States we had Hillary Clinton who is trying (but failing) to become president say: “it takes a village to raise a child.” It does not take a village, and it does not take a state to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child. Foster families in Norway are mercenaries of the state. They are paid 50,000 euros per child, per year to simulate being a parent.  No parental love, no parental care, no parental attachment. This is Barnevernet’s idea of raising a child.
  3. Barnevernet has taken a breastfeeding infant from his mother’s breast at the age of 3 months. Nowhere in the history of the brutal Romanian communism have we heard of such a crime. This is unacceptable in any era, in any society, and in any culture. Sorry, I forgot, with the exception of Pharaoh in ancient Egypt when he took the male Jewish infants and threw them in the Nile. And Herod the Great’s infanticide two years after the birth of Christ, in his attempt to murder baby Jesus. Here you have it: Barnevernet, Pharaoh and Herod. 
  4. The psychological warfare against the Bodnariu children: Barnevernet has hinted to the older girls that they are getting new parents and that their biological parents are dying. Hence the heartbreaking letter from the girl where she wrote to her parents: “I thought you were going to die.” The younger boys are subjected to repeated detachment experience every time their mom leaves them after their brief visits. Psychological theory states that the child will develop aggression toward the mother with this type of visitation method. Barnevernet is doing this on purpose! We will let the world know what they are doing.
  5. Barnevernet is dragging their feet in solving this case. Why? Because the longer the process lingers, the more likely they are to say: “oh wait, the kids forgot about their parents and have reattached to their foster families… it will be traumatic to send them back home.”This is their goal. Drag out the process and ultimately confiscate the children forever. We must expose this draconian technique and inform the world.
  6. Barnevernet is dishonest. They tried to get the parents to divorce. They tried to pit the parents against each other. They tried to get false testimony from the parents against each other. They lied in communication with the parents about visitation rights. They “forgot” to bring the children at visitation. How can we not protest this injustice?
  7. Everything Barnevernet has done was aimed at destroying the Bodnariu family instead of helping them (like their official mission states). No wonder immigrant families are packing their bags and leaving Norway. No wonder CPS is in full damage control. No wonder Solveig Horne (the minister in charge) wants incriminating videos of children begin forcefully confiscated removed from You Tube.
  8. And ultimately we are protesting because we do not want this cancer to spread. This serves notice to the US Child Protective Services who have had their share of abuse, that CPS issues are now under international scrutiny. You certainly are not God, and we certainly are not going to bow to your ideology.

I hope this article motivates readers in the Bay/Sacramento area to come to the protest in San Francisco.

Make this your mission. We are all Bodnariu. Show your children that you can take a stand against injustice, and more than that, bring your children with you.  This will be an experience that will mark them positively for the rest of their lives.

Together we can exercise enough pressure to bring the CPS hostage children home.

16 comments on “Why I Am Going to Protest Against Barnevernet in San Francisco

  1. Reblogged this on ceciliebedsvaag and commented:
    We are all Bodnariu. Hopefully the protest will put pressure on the Norwegian government so that all children, not only the Bodnariu children, but all children who are languishing in barnevernet’s fosterhomes can be reunited with their parents.

  2. Excellent arguments, Chris. Let’s hope all these protests will bring an end to the unimaginable injustice and suffering brought upon a godly family by a godless, heartless and evil institution. My blood boils whenever I see a video clip of Barnevernet employees snatching children from their mothers arms. What kind of “civilized” people can do such horrible things for a living and still sleep well at night?
    My wife and I are continuing to pray for Marius and Ruth. We cry and we suffer with them and it pains us only to think of their deep pain… the pain of seeing their children kidnapped and given to strangers.
    May God hasten the day when the Bodnariu children will come home.
    May God have mercy on the souls of all those who have inflicted this great pain on Marius and Ruth.
    And, if Norway is such a great, democratic and civilized country – let’s see how well justice will be served, now that Barnevernet is exposed for all the world to see. Let’s see how many apologies the Bodnariu family will be presented… and how many millions of $$ awarded for their pain and suffering.
    But until then, let’s continue to fight for an urgent and rightful reunification of the Bodnariu family (and the other families in similar situation.)
    P.S. See you in San Fran.

  3. Heheh, here is a timely remark:
    A writer in the section about the present wordl-wide demonstrations on our forum.r-b-v.net (here in Norway) says:
    “Burde det ikke snart komme en demonstrasjon i Naustdal, barnas hjemsted?”
    (Ought there not to be a demonstration soon in Naustdal, where the children belong?)

    (You can see the writer Agrippa’s avatar. As I remember it, the writer once wrote that ha/she has chosen the wolf as an avatar because the wolf is such a faithful animal, faithful to its spouse and children.)

    • Yes, the statistics of the County Committees which initially decide CPS cases. Mind you, it varies, from about 80-85 per cent of cases in which the CPS have their way in some counties in some periods, up to close to 100 per cent in others. 4 per cent may be a bit extreme, and I suppose it depends on how you count: If a child has been taken, and has through several rounds of county committee and court cases been kept away for several years but then at last the family wins it back, is that to count as one case, or as say 6, 8, 9? The families certainly win very rarely.

  4. Hic et nunc

    Într-un timp, pe drumul Ierihonului un om
    Şi-a văzut moartea cu ochii, odată,
    Iar tu, cel ce citeşti, acum, rezemat de un pom,
    Încă te mai întrebi dacă ieri l-ai văzut, în colţul unui hotel,
    dormind, pe o dală de piatră…
    Nu striga după un ajutor, era doar cu visele sale,
    Înfrigurat şi lipsit de puteri,
    Într-o mare de lume, într-un oraş luminat şi nu o vale,
    Cu trecători grăbiţi, indiferenţi, sirene şi puzderie de maşini,
    acompaniate de raideri
    Ai crede că, pe acest drum al tău, el, în această lume, nu-i singur,
    Şi, poate, speri că altcineva îl va privi cu alţi ochi,
    Dar ochii tăi, când văd primii luminosul azur,
    Cărei bucurii i se-nchină?
    Privilegiul acesta e pentru toţi, căci a fost creat inimii şi nu privirii,
    Iar tu de-ai înţeles, nu trece, ca atunci, mai departe,
    Opreşte-te, ascultă-ţi secundele firii
    Şi înveleşte-i sufletul plin de dureri, dându-le la o parte!

    10 feb. 2016 / Bucureşti / România

  5. This table shows how hard it is to win in the first battle – The county Board.

    Child Welfare decides the choice of measures and determines whether an application for a care order to be presented to the County Board. County Council will decide whether the legal conditions for a care order is fulfilled and performs at a review of the child welfare assessments. Statistics from the County Board can therefore say something about welfare service practices.

    In cases where the child welfare service promotes omsorgssak after bvl. § 4-12, the statistics from the County Board in general, some with very high pursuance percent for public party to county boards’ decisions: see Table 6.2.

    Table 6.2 Overview of number 4-12 decision of the County Board and pursuant percent (1)

    year – number of decisions – Pursuant Percent for Child Welfare -Number of resolutions brought before the courts
    2008 732 85.8 percent 331 (45.2 percent)
    2009 778 84.2 percent 374 (48 percent)
    2010 807 88.4 percent 390 (48.3 percent)

    (1) Cases under the Child Welfare Act § 4-12, a care of children living in the home, but the child welfare service considering that they are exposed to serious neglect.

  6. Pingback: Why I Am Going to Protest Against Barnevernet in San Francisco – Barnefjern

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