Mr. Knut Nygaard Writes a Letter to Help Bodnariu

If you spend any time on Delight in Truth, you know Mr Knut Nygaard. He is an employee of Barnevernet in the larger city of Bergen, Norway, and he has been defending the CPS as a whole. Having said that, Mr Nygaard has had reservations about the way the Bodnariu case has been handled in the small municipality of Naustdal.

Today he wrote a letter to the CPS leader in Nausdtal (here) and followed up with this comment to DiT: “… it may give me an earlier retirement. If the CPS in Naustdal makes a complaint to my employer accusing me of interference in their ongoing work I think I’m off duty in the near future.”

Here are some excerpts from the letter (google translate from Norwegian – the meaning of the message is preserved despite the rough translation) :

“It is reasonably painful that the Municipal Councilman in Naustdal is willing to go down with the municipal flag to prevent these four [older Bodnariu kids] to get the opportunity to return to their own [family]. Probably it is uncertain what will happen with Ezekiel.

It is not in the child welfare social task to destroy an ordinary family of 7.

I’m in the final stretch of my working career and much of it has been happening and will still take place in the municipal child welfare. The last 23 years I have worked in one of the now 8 CPS areas in Bergen. My main responsibilities are receiving, investigations and measures.

At our office, we received 475 messages in 2014 – higher likelyhood of acute evaluations. In Naustdal they received a total of 27 messages and something tells me that it can be very far between emergency assessments.

If it is true that this [Bodnariu] family has never had contact with Barnevernet before and theme is spanking, then we have at our office handled approximately 100 such cases only one of which led to the use of 4.6, 2nd paragraph, and there was marked violence – like using a belt and water immersion.

I am of the view based on the information that has been leaked from what lies behind the [Bodnariu] emergency decision made in Naustdal that it most likely would have been – if this had been a rehearsal case – that few municipalities would have ended up so drastic with a family where the theme is spanking – parents have admitted their actions – at least partially – they are willing to take remedial action – they have no history of child welfare – this is their debut [with CPS] and they have never had or been able to demonstrate that they cannot both change and cooperate for the good of their children and their family.

I would venture to say that small municipalities lack the training behind an everyday in our office where we several times a month make emergency reviews – yes, sometimes several in one week.

It is not okay – if – and probably this if – had this family lived in Bergen, the family would have been reunited with relief efforts

…but in Naustdal so ….

There is a big difference in managing a case of correctly correct – which you receive assistance from the County Administrator – to make the right assessments in the vicinity of corresponding with what other municipalities would have done with a case like this.

It is hoped that you come to your senses and withdraw the case.”

Indeed, we all hope that the Naustdal Barnevernet comes to its senses and withdraws the case against the Bodnariu family.


23 comments on “Mr. Knut Nygaard Writes a Letter to Help Bodnariu

  1. I have to give credit where credit is due: I’m impressed with you, Knut, for the action you have taken. If more employees of Barnevernet would call out injustices like this and demand it end, Norway would face a lot less anger and protest from around the world.

    The entire organization called Barnevernet needs to be completely dismantled, in my opinion, and that of millions of other concerned people in many nations. It belongs in the same place as the former Communist regime in Romania: the dustbin of history. And, it’s staff prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

    Meantime, good for you, Knut, for taking this stand against what has happened in Naustdal to this family. Can you encourage more to stand up against this injustice?

  2. “Thank you, Mr. Prunean, but it may give me an earlier retirement. If the CPS in Naustdal make a complaint to my employer accusing me of interference in their ongoing work I think I’m off duty in the near future.”

    Knut, I must commend you. You have done something that is brave. You have risked your job for the truth. If we could only have others act in the same way consistently, none of us would be having this “discussion.”

    Also, it is hard to fathom that by telling the truth that a worker in Naustdal can complain and that it would affect you. This truth is symbolic of the entire system in Norway. No one is safe if they tell the truth about certain things.

    So, who will make the decision if there is a complaint against you? Who will be the one who has to decide whether you stay or go?

    (This statement is a repeat of one left on the last post.)

  3. Great Knut! I am glad that you admit that taking away children solely on the basis of mild spanking, leaving no marks, when the parents otherwise meet all the children`s needs, is far too drastic.

    I hope that the CPS leader in Naustdal will take your letter seriously!

  4. Seems to me Knut’s office have a fair and resonable take on the issue in Bergen, based on his statistics mentioned. We must remember that most offices have only some young girls that have read their Kari Killen, and that is all more or less what they know. The Court system is the problem. Like I say in this article the separations of powers is not there any more. They have all three (four included the media) become “of one thought and one deed” (Psalm 83:5).

    CPS twisting of terms and words. Legislators initially thought the ‘violence’ as someone who spanks the kids yellow and blue. We must enter the preparatory work for the legislation and find out that they probably did not think about snapping finger or ears was ‘violence’. Because there were too few ‘violent’ parents that way, the Satanists in the child welfare industry had to redefine the violence term themselves, first of anything physical ‘corporate punishment’, and later re-defined it to include ‘psychological violence’ (incl. Christian upbringing) so they got the chance to add anything under the violence term, absolute on their own discretion.

    And then at the very end now they have got their favorit: “The commonest reason for a care order now is simply” lack of parenting skills “(BBC article). That’s all that will not raise their children as Gro Harlem Brundtland, Karin Stoltenberg and Kari Killen wants them to do it (policy). I wonder what the next term they invent?

    To understand how this all come about, we must understand that this area of practise and ​​law has been ruled by mostly three satanic feminist women since the mid 80s. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Doctor Death as she is popularly called in the hidden places of the Internet, later head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Kari Killen and Karin Stoltenberg. Brundtland Harlem who otherwise was honored in a Club of Rome’s UN report on ‘sustainable development report’ for the Global (socialist) Village (we all in Norway understand she is too stupid to have written a single word of the report, and just laugh of it), with ‘global village’ and was famous here in Norway for the promotion of the ‘neighbor wives’ had to worry about what the neighbors were doing (the end of private life in Norway) in the 80/90-ties.

    These neighbor womens of Gro today is working all of them in Barnevernet (CPS) and in positions of school and health they act as the USSR CHEKA’s (government informers), where they have full freedom to care about things they do not have anything to with. Karin Stoltenberg fostered a drug wreck of a daughter, a boy that otherwise is head of NATO today, probably saved by his AUF membership where he was opposed to wars, showing that the most dysfunctional families can foster career people, but not make them of any good Christian nature of the heart.

    Gro Harlem’s son Jørgen of classmates have been termed as a key-loner, with the key to their home around the neck during school hours while Gro and his father made career, and ended up waving around with a gun in a military camp at Andoya, and later shot himself.

    Where was the CPS?

    Barnevern og Stat oppdrar traumatiserte luciferianere

  5. Thank you Knut for supporting this family and speaking common sense. I know you were supporting the family on this blog, but to write an official letter takes so much more. I hope, you will not loose your job, but instead the Naustdal CPS would realize what they have done here. Hope to see this family together soon.

  6. Reblogged this on agnus dei – english + romanian blog and commented:
    A Barnevernet employee (and supporter) who has been watching the Bodnariu case writes a letter in support of the Bodnariu family.

    Something very interesting to note in what the gentleman states :
    If it is true that this [Bodnariu] family has never had contact with Barnevernet before and theme is spanking, then we have at our office handled approximately 100 such cases only one of which led to the use of 4.6, 2nd paragraph, and there was marked violence – like using a belt and water immersion.

    That is very interesting, out of 100 cases, his office only took the emergency measure of removing the child/or children and then because of the use of a belt and water immersion.

    We pray that Mr. Nygaard’s letter helps shape a favorable decision for the Bodnariu’s!

  7. Pingback: Mr. Knut Nygaard Writes a Letter to Help Bodnariu | ARMONIA MAGAZINE - USA

  8. Only God give people a sense of right and wrong. I am pleased to hear about Mr. Knut stand for what is right. God bless and safeguard you Mr. Knut. We couldn’t understand the world you live in but we are amazed that you have the power and the character to take the risk of standing for what in your heart you know is right. Hope that more people will have your courage. I know there are a lots of very good people of God in Norway. Underground.

  9. Pingback: Mr. Knut Nygaard Writes a Letter to Help Bodnariu | Pastor Ciprian Barsan

  10. I know this is a bit off topic, but I think it may be a reason for the huge problems in Norway. As Norwegians come here, I would like their take on the following item from wiki. It appears that some Nordic guy came up with his own version of the 10 Commandments some time ago. If these are still taken seriously (which is my question to Norwegians) in today’s Nordic countries, can you not see how it would impact your society? My question is: How serious is this idea taken in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway in the year 2016?

    The Law of Jante

    (Danish: Janteloven (Danish pronunciation: [ˈja̝nd̥əˌlo̞ʋˀən]); Norwegian: Janteloven (Bokmål) or Jantelova (Nynorsk) (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈjantɛˌlɔ̹ːvɛn]); Icelandic:Jantelögin; Swedish: Jantelagen (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈjantɛˌlɑːɡɛn]) is the idea that there is a pattern of group behaviour towards individuals within Scandinavian communities that negatively portrays and criticises individual success and achievement as unworthy and inappropriate. The Jante Law as a concept was created by the Dano-Norwegian authorAksel Sandemose,[1] who, in his novel A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks (En flyktning krysser sitt spor, 1933, English translation published in the USA in 1936), identified the Law of Jante as ten rules. Sandemose’s novel portrays the small Danish town Jante (modelled upon his native town Nykøbing Mors as it was at the beginning of the 20th century, but typical of all small towns and communities), where nobody is anonymous.[2]
    Generally used colloquially in Denmark[3] and the rest of the Nordic countries as a sociological term to negatively describe a condescending attitude towards individuality and success, the term refers to a mentality that de-emphasises individual effort and places all emphasis on the collective, while discouraging those who stand out as achievers.
    There are ten rules in the law as defined by Sandemose, all expressive of variations on a single theme and usually referred to as a homogeneous unit: You are not to think you’re anyone special or that you’re better than us.
    The ten rules state:
    1. You’re not to think you are anything special.
    2. You’re not to think you are as good as we are.
    3. You’re not to think you are smarter than we are.
    4. You’re not to convince yourself that you are better than we are.
    5. You’re not to think you know more than we do.
    6. You’re not to think you are more important than we are.
    7. You’re not to think you are good at anything.
    8. You’re not to laugh at us.
    9. You’re not to think anyone cares about you.
    10. You’re not to think you can teach us anything.
    These ten principles or commandments are often claimed to form the “Jante’s Shield” of the Scandinavian people.
    In the book, the Janters who transgress this unwritten ‘law’ are regarded with suspicion and some hostility, as it goes against the town’s communal desire to preserve harmony, social stability and uniformity.
    An eleventh rule recognised in the novel as ‘the penal code of Jante’ is:
    11. Perhaps you don’t think we know a few things about you?
    Sandemose wrote about the working class in the town of Jante, a group of people of the same social position. He expressly stated in later books that the social norms of Jante were universal and not intended to depict any particular town or country.[citation needed] It should be understood that Sandemose was seeking to formulate and describe attitudes that had already been part of the Danish and Norwegian psyche for centuries. Today, however, it is common in Scandinavia to claim the Law of Jante as something quintessentially Danish, Norwegian or Swedish.[citation needed]
    Later, the meaning of the Law of Jante was extended to refer to those who want to break out of their social groups and reach a higher position in society in general.[4]

    • “You’re not to think you are as good as we are.”

      So, this “2nd commandment” is where this Norwegian idea comes from, Marianne.

        I don’t really know but I don’t think it is quite original with Sandemose. Most of the content of the Jante law is sort of well-known in Nordic culture, I think – “Don’t think that you have anything to teach us!”, “We are just as good as they”. The people farming communities out in the country are known to be especially contemptuous of each other and prestige-ridden. But I don’t know any other agricultural communities except New Zealand; in New Zealand people are a bit freer-minded and independent, certainly. And more innovative and hard-working, sort of pioneer-like. I can imagine America might be the same attitude-wise.

        True story: A farmer in the fairly prosperous agricultural flat-land north of Oslo started to experiment with growing peas. Nobody had ever attempted that. Everybody laughed at him, sniggering “That’ll NEVER work”. He did well, however, working terribly hard but bringing his peas up to a standard where they were accepted by “Norsk Frø”, which specialises in seed of various sorts. Then this farmer’s neighbours said, “Well, he can’t complain, can he, doing business in peas.” Implying they themselves had unfair hardships.

        • So a man who works hard and is rewarded because of his creativity and work ethic (only capitalist systems allow this as a general rule) is still found to be at blame for something. This seems to summarize a general opinion in Norway.

          “You’re not to think you are as good as we are.”

          This must have been embedded long before Sandemose, Marianne.

          Chris: “So a man who works hard and is rewarded because of his creativity and work ethic … is still found to be at blame for something.”

          Perhaps not blame, exactly, but camouflaging their envy by pretending not to admire him, making out “he has it easy, hasn’t he, because he grows peas”. As if he was just lucky, like having, nothing to do with his own efforts but just accidentally inherited a farm with a brook while the others had problems when it didn’t rain.

  11. Mr. Nygard apara familia Bodnariu? Oh mein Gott! Nu vi se pare ciudat? I-l urmaresc de luni de zile, i-i citesc comentariile, ceva nu e in ordine aici. Dl. Nygard a aparat mereu institutia BV si a condamnat mereu fam. Bodnariu. La incercarile multora de a-l convinge de realitate a ripostat mereu cu slogane ce le stim deja. Pe deasupra se da drept crestin….
    Intrebarea mea: unde-i ascuns acul in toata aceasta schimbare de pozitie Mr. Nygard?
    Pentru mine nu mai prezentati nici o incredere…. Strigati cit puteti….. Nu veti fi luat in considerare….

  12. Mr. Nygaard a aparat BV bazat pe conduita pe care se pare ca o are office-ul in care lucreaza. El a mentionat mereu faptul ca BV in Naustdal a facut o greseala luand aceasta masura drastica impotriva familiei Bodnariu. Schimbarile de pozitie in acest caz sunt bine venite. De aceea si protestam: ca agentii BV sa-si schimbe pozitia si din cate se observa unii din ei au si inceput sa se schimbe.

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