To the Shame of Norway, Barnevernet Strikes Back!


Steven Bennett (photo) is an English teacher from London who is a vocal supporter of the Bodnariu cause. He brings us shocking news about what Barnevernet has planned for April 16th, the international day of protest against this diabolical system. Steven writes:

“Many parents are now being given visitation dates by the CPS to see their children/loved ones on Saturday 16 April, knowing that the parents will choose seeing their children over going to one of the protests in Norway. One Barnevernet employee made a comment to one mother, “well, we will see how many will participate on this day, when so many of you will have visitations.

Despite them trying to silence the families, Barnevernet will not be able to stop the world from protesting! Steven continues to write:

“A friend of mine took the bus today from Oslo to Hemsedal. Next to him was a very pleasant man from Poland, who is a resident of Førde. This is not too far from where the Bodnariu children were taken from their parents.

He had just returned from Poland where he had visited the two youngest of his four children. His two oldest children still live in Førde.

My friend asked him the reason why his two youngest children don’t live with him now in Norway. The Polish man told him it was because the local CPS, Barnevernet took his youngest children through an emergency decision, but he won them back in a county court decision after four months of separation.

The two youngest children now live with relatives in Poland, because it’s far too dangerous for him to raise his children in Norway – the risks of losing them for trivial reasons are just far too high. This man was one of the fortunate ones, sadly, many others, are not so fortunate.

The biological principle was meant to be the guiding and determining factor in child welfare law, yet in Norway today, we see this principle trampled firmly down in the mud and ignored.

For example, a mother and her little daughter are being assessed by psychologists and social workers, who are building a case over a few hours of video tape. Can you image the pressure the mother and her poor child are under? The ‘experts’ checking the vital contact between mother and daughter, concluding afterwards, that the emotional bond, lack of eye contact etc. are good enough reasons of robbing this precious innocent child of her mother. They are not interested in the competence of a tired mum or the irrevocable damage this will cause to her daughter and the pain and hurt this will cause to both of them. They don’t care that the child will be raised with a complete stranger, and the contact between grandparents and relatives will be two or three hours, three times a year, if they are lucky.

In the past, child welfare educators, psychologists, psychiatrists and judges, recognised the biological principle as the most ethical and moral direction to go in, as this was seen as the ‘best interest for the child.’ In Norway today, sadly, there is currently little interest in going in this direction. The moral ground has been taken away, and the best interest of the child has been replaced with the best interest of the ‘Norwegian CPS system.’

You can place children with complete strangers which will provide an instrument of care, but they will never receive motherly/paternal love, no grandfather will see them, other than a fleeting moment (no hugging) at one of the three two hour visits a year, if they are lucky. Norway’s CPS doesn’t take into the slightest regard the great love, the huge bond, the biological connection, between father and child.

Countless children are managing to escape from foster care and institutions, finding their way back home to mum and dad, only to be swept away again with police assistance. They still try again.

If anyone remembers a British television series in the late 60’s called ‘The Prisoner,’ starring Patrick McGoohan, you will notice eerily similar patterns to events in today’s Norway. In the series, those abducted do not have names; instead, they are given a number. Number two has to monitor number six (protagonist) and make sure he doesn’t escape. A major theme of the series is individualism, as represented by number six, versus collectivism, as represented by number two and the others in the Village.

Ignoring the biological principle in Norway is destroying thousands of children’s lives, tormenting and devastating parents in the process – just because of poor eye contact, sleeping patterns, food habits or some other trivial thing. Barnevernet, Norway’s CPS has completely ruined the child welfare system by making the biological principle invalid.

Do you hear the cries of the children in Norway? Can you feel the torment, fear and anxiety that Norway’s CPS puts healthy families through? It’s a reality and if you do hear those cries, please make sure you make a stand and turn up at a protest in your area.

Please support the persecuted families in Norway and support those who can’t be there because of visitations, fear, or reprisals.”

122 comments on “To the Shame of Norway, Barnevernet Strikes Back!

  1. Barnevernet just gets more and more deplorable as each day passes. How long, o Lord, until you break their chains of bondage? We pray that it is soon!

    • I’m sorry for you in the movement that are fed with wrong biased information from among others this “teacher” living in London. Yes, I understand that he listens to everything that confirms his idea of Norway and the oneeyed view he has gotten of a functionate CPS an hour away. Have he ever been to Norway? I wrote this to him at couple of days ago after his comment:

      S. Bennett loves to call Norway names – socialist county a.s.o. – and latest: fascist country. Bennett is living in London – if he feel at home there he sure will feel even better in Norway.

      Bennett: ” The two ideologies are not really that much different from one another. They both have the same father, honouring the state over the individual. Both are collectivist dreams and are obsessed with works, projects and managing the economy and people. Both have little to no moral ground, instead, they see the end as justifying the means.

      Socialism has brought ignorance, personal and national poverty, and a total disregard for the rights of the individual in every country they gained power in. Look at what happened in Eastern Europe and now what’s happening in Norway.

      At the same time, one of the platforms they use to gain power is promising individual rights and an equal social status with divided wealth. This can be very attractive to some who for one reason or another feel like they have been disenfranchised, either electorally, socially or personally. Socialism thrives on those who follow out of ignorance, poverty, or misplaced loyalty.”

      So – Mr. Bennett – is our prime minister Solberg governing a mix of fascism and socialism? Hey, mr. teacher – wake up to reality or read some real facts about Norway. Why are you – as a Christian – preaching lies – anyway?! Shouldn’t we preach and stand up for .. the truth .. including truth in the way we argument for this insane campaign against one CPS system in the world – and you have a worse system in your own backyard?

      Of cause our government has something else and more important to do than have an eye on this misguided propaganda campaign against Norway, Norwegians and a functionate CPS that changes all the way – not because of some hundred chronic activists living in a dream bubble without answers to what system they will set in if a revolution occures some time before … 2100?? Our media call this propaganda shit lunacy – and that is what it is, but how can a man like you Bennett – supposed Christian – end up as an activist for this purpose – that I really don’t know. Are you not a truth seeker anymore? Do you like the attention you get from this misguided followers – or what? Come to Norway mr. Bennett – I think I can fix a possibility that you might follow me and find out what I do in my working hours if you want, but I need the permission of those families involved – see the CPS from the inside for yourself.

      What is a nation? What is a society? In the year 2016 Norway is changing like the rest of Europe. We are invaded by people we don’t know who are or where they are coming from. Our government assume that around a 100.000 have Norway as their favourite destination this year. A nation is no longer built on bible verses – it’s built on what we all have on the inside ending up in a democratic chosen government. In my office I find muslim colleagues – I find some who talk about karma and mindfulness – I find people who think they don’t believe and you find me – I consider myself a radical Christian with a relationship to the living God. For me truth is important and this campaign is from my window not built on the truth.

      These families you have met on the internet have their history and it begins a long time before it comes to the take away part. They have done some investigations with the CPS – measures at home have been tried out – action plans have been worked out together with the parents and for some of the families the situation for the children are on the same level as when we started and some change must be done outside this family. Now we shall be altered to be more municipal and find fosterhomes in the childrens families and in their known network. Things seem to go the right way in an hour that Norway has a border to keep both eyes on.

      • Hey little minded Norwegian guess what we live in the era of fast and free information , your country just got in the stink “s##t” list of people of the world !!!
        this will not stop this will not be forgotten this will not be forgiven!!
        when you treat kids like slaves and animals for profit it touches the core of any human , so put your heads down when walk among normal humans!!!

        • Don’t forget … the dots, capital letter and taking your medicine. Norway is not USA in the 1850’s – and have never been. No one is perfect – to me most people seems to be “normal”.

        • “.. dots, capital letter …” ? Is Mr Nygaard instructing people on how to write good English? He already thinks everyone here is a moron, except himself. Does he have anything else to correct us on regarding how we write and what we write?
             So he wants people to “take their medicine”. You people should know that medication of CPS children is quite heavy. And no wonder, really. The way they suffer, and the way the CPS do NOT understand why, what else is there for the CPS to do but reinforce the children’s prison walls? Other children’s too, of course. I know this trend exists in America too; nevertheless:

          Joar Tranoy: “More discipline: Medicating schoolchildren in Norway”

      • little or big Knut Nygaard -Norwegian(s): “I’m sorry for you in the movement that are fed with wrong biased information from among others” SO real video tapes in media with parents and kids with CPS are STAGED? We don’t have to read your newspaper to know the REAL truth in the videos, and real parents saying Real Truth about their own children. YOU wake up to this 2016 age of the MEDIA!! hello! Sorry your ‘school-teachers’ didn’t teach you or the CPS of this world that: things go up & down in Real families, but their Love will find a way to make it work in the end! (aside from families that ARE abusive, and not just ‘OH, THEY DON’T HAVE EYE CONTACT’ CPS excuse. Ridiculous.

      • so–Knut Nygaard, to conclude, what do you see from that window of yours? That Kidnapping THOUSANDS of children, and not assigning their parents some Counseling is the WAY? hahahah-haha:)) as a believer in God I’m surprised you don’t know:(

    • Knut reccomends us to read Norwegian state sponsored press “to get real facts”. This Barnevernet employee is a notorious lier. He knows exactly what his employer’s tactics are but since he has no conscience no surprise that he calls liers all of those who oppose the CPS’ tirany in Norway.

  2. Short Romanian translation:
    Spre Rusinea Norvegiei, Barnevernet se razbuna!
    Steven Bennett (foto) este un profesor de limba engleza din Londra, care este un susținător vocal al cauzei Bodnariu. El ne aduce vești șocante despre ceea ce Barnevernet a planificat pentru data de 16 aprilie, ziua internațională de protest împotriva acestui sistem diabolic. Steven scrie:
    “Multor părinți le se da acum data de vizitare de către CPS pentru a vedea copiii sau pe cei dragi, sâmbătă 16 aprilie, știind că părinții vor alege sa-si vadă copiii lor in loc sa mearga la una dintre protestele din Norvegia. Un angajat a lui Barnevernet a făcut un comentariu unei mame zicând: ,,ei bine, vom vedea cât de mulți vor participa în această zi la protest, când asa de mulți dintre voi vor avea vizitatii.”

    În ciuda faptului ca ei încearcă să reducă la tăcere familiile, Barnevernet nu va fi capabil să oprească lumea să protesteze!

  3. Pingback: Spre Rusinea Norvegiei, Barnevernet se razbuna! | agnus dei - english + romanian blog

        Well, I don’t know if you will throw all I say on the rubbish-heap now (you will see why in a moment.)

        The setting-aside of the biological principle has been brewing for several years. The top powerful jurists and psychologists/ psychiatrists in Norway in the “child” field have argued against the biological principle for years. I don’t remember the year 2009, but I do remember 2011 and 2012: the culmination. The appointment of the Raundalen committee and the resulting statements and recommendations to our parliament of that committee:

        (Sorry about all the text in Norwegian but I don’t have the time to translate everything.)

        It was clearly planned that the committee should recommend the biological principle to be set aside. They invented something called “utviklingsfremmende tilknytning” (development-enhancing attachment) which was to be the guiding principle for policies and decisions regarding children instead.

        No doubt this replacement will become more explicit in the coming revision of our child protection law (expected this year). Then a concrete “real hell” is loose, even worse than now.

        I have touched on it briefly here, in connection with what I wrote about some of the guiding spirits in Norwegian psychology (well, it is international):

        Similar to BODNARIU: Judge in Norway Rules Against “Leading Questions”

        At the demonstration on 20 February I made a little hand-out with some articles. I have since put it on my website, and added a couple of English versions.

        “A few articles about “attachment”, a concept which is in opposition to “the biological principle”

        (I am sure many of you cry to high heaven about the arguments in some of the articles, because they relate to evolutionary thought, but regarding biologically founded togetherness, evolutionary psychology is actually on exactly on the same line as fundamentalist Christian thinking, and gives excellent and reasoned support for people in the ‘scientific’ field to understand and appreciate exactly the same principles that you hold dear and sacred.)

        But the most important article on the list in this context is the one by Ole Texmo:

        “Det biologiske prinsipp – barnevernets største hatobjekt” (The biological principle – Barnevernet’s greatest object of hate)

  4. their soul is unclean becase of their sins and find inapropriate for parents to sleep in the same bed with 4 year kid.What about their lesby and gay practice?They can not make a diference in it?.Oh my!!!

  5. Norway has a child protection agency (barnevernet) which commands considerable powers and resources. It does a lot of work which is incontrovertibly positive, but this article brings up a part of its activities which is riddled with conflict. No other country has a child protection agency which so frequently removes the children from parents by means of coercion. Not even close. Of the 10.1 per 1000 children placed in foster care by the CPA , in 71% of the cases this occurs without the consent of the biological parents. In Germany the corresponding figures are 9 and 10%, in Sweden 8.2 and 26 %. (The government web-site).

    Child protection: A contribution to a much needed discussion

      Octavian says: “It does a lot of work which is incontrovertibly positive, but this article brings up a part of its activities which is riddled with conflict.”

      Yes, but their positive activities can be carried out by anyone who has common sense, ecperience of children (like grandparents), respect for others, and humane principles. Their way of teaching parents “what they do wrong” and how to bring up their children, are not so much to write home about, however.

      If the CPS did not have the power to separate children from their parents, so that people did not have to be afraid of them, then it would be more obvious that their proficiency generally is weak, probably weaker than before they got their education, because that education teaches an ideology which tears down much valuable insight and spontaneous understanding.

  6. Pingback: To the Shame of Norway, Barnevernet Strikes Back! | ARMONIA MAGAZINE - USA

  7. I don’t think anyone but the BV authorities know the answer to this but I’ll ask anyway. Are CPS workers being transported from towns with no protests to help out with visitations in the places where the protests are taking place?

      If that were only so, Chris. I doubt very much if the protests here in Norway will be that vast. But of course it may make trouble for individual CPS workers because some of their ‘clients’ take heart from the demonstrations, straighten their back and raise their head in hope. The CPS people are used to rule, to say what they like, to despise all their victims, to send for the police, to have their victims prosecuted and put in prison for anything they can call “threats” or “attacks”, so the idea of protests with international support, and that from people who are not misguided idiots but really UNDERSTAND something about what is going on, is new to them.

      • I don’t fully understand Norway or the situation there. It is because I haven’t been in their shoes. While my children were growing up, there was never a thought that my children would be taken from me. No one was hovering over me like the authorities do in Norway. After reading articles from many sources now, I am beginning to understand.

        I can see why the demonstrations will not be vast. I would choose to see my children over a protest any day. That and the knowledge of those who still retain their children that the slightest whim can be grounds for removal, will greatly decrease the numbers of potential protesters.

        Norway has been described as “dark” by a Christian VBS program made here in America. I have to agree that a country that was once well lit by the Gospel of Christ has gone very dark.

          I certainly don’t fully understand the situation myself, Chris. There is a kind of total divide, in knowledge and understanding, between the relatively few people who have been in touch with the CPS and have seen or experienced what they are like, and the vast vast majority, who believe the CPS to be excellent and only to take charge “as a last resort, in cases of serious abuse or drug/alcohol abuse or dangerous psychiatric illness”. This majority only reads and watches mainstream media, believe what they are taught in school and experience every day in their satisfying lives, believe the critics to be alarmists and the victims to be at fault.

          I can only think that the situation must be something like in Germany under Nazism, say in 1936, when the propaganda was pervasive and the background was that Germany had been in such difficulties before the coming of Hitler that things really seemed a lot better for many people. For a while – – –

          What worries me from time to time is that if we “succeed” in having a real explosion, it may be violent, and then I think the victims would be judged for it and their total situation even worse. Does the alternative of dismantling the present CPS sensibly and peacefully, and building a totally new social service, exist? It’s hard to see that it does. The legal practice and the laws would have to change totally and who is going to see to it? The teaching of social workers and clinical psychologists would have to change totally, who is going to carry that out? Thousands of people would lose their income from all the CPS-related industry.

          Hm, I think it was actually around 1989 that Michael Gorbachov CANCELLED the HISTORY exams around the country. Very wise decision. What the effect was, I don’t know, but nothing LESS would do in our situation than a similar, official scrapping of what has been.

        • Chris: “That and the knowledge of those who still retain their children that the slightest whim can be grounds for removal, will greatly decrease the numbers of potential protesters.”

          Yes, some are afraid, but the majority are contemptuous of the victims and do not want to associate with despicable outcasts and be considered unwise or crazy by their own friends.

        • Thank you once again, Marianne. I have also thought of it as Germany under Hitler in the pre-war years. Your question on how a peaceful change would happen is a good one. I think the thing that bothers me the most here is your last statement:

          “Yes, some are afraid, but the majority are contemptuous of the victims and do not want to associate with despicable outcasts and be considered unwise or crazy by their own friends.”

        • Chris: ” I think the thing that bothers me the most here is your last statement: – – -”

          It worries me too, Chris. I am also worried about my own attitude, that I am getting cynical and pharisaic. Maybe it would be more to the point to say that many people are AFRAID to be seen to associate with the despised and downtrodden, who are, they thing, culpable in some way.

        • “It worries me too, Chris. I am also worried about my own attitude, that I am getting cynical and pharisaic.”

          I have no concerns about you in these areas, Marianne.

        • Here you are in the right reflection mood, Chris, Had this movement been the truth about the CPS in Norway you would have seen our streets full of people protesting. Not one political party in Norway front a bias alike this movement. This bias is not acknowledge by anyone that have a public name in Norway. Marianne is a nobody ouside the 100 CPS-haters. Holta just the same. They are odd and people who give their attention a minute or two soon find out that this don’t make any sense and are not worth listening. Of cause I can understand that with your spyglass in Hot Springs you don’t see much of the real life in Norway. But you are right – had this been the truth belive me – bothe media and the common people would have taken to the streets. But there is silence – no revolt. No human rights organization or political party listen to this movement. No Christian organization or chuch – only Jan-Åge Torp – but he fronts everything that might give him some media time. This movement talk for and with themselves.

        • Knut… I get messages from Norway everyday. Everyday I get private messages from CPS victims and Norwegians who are afraid of CPS.

          They are afraid to come out. We got a message from a pastor in Norway who has a 7 year old saying he is afraid to take to the streets because CPS will retaliate and take his child!!

          Single moms are afraid that CPS will take their babies.

          Immigrants live in fear of Barnevernet.

          IT IS TRUE!

        • I have experienced a bit of this attempt at intimidation, Delight, on this blog. I have been told that information about me and my family can be easily discovered on the internet. It was also recommended that I should change my name, something I intend not to do.

  8. Pingback: Mariana Gurza – Blog » Blog Archive » To the Shame of Norway, Barnevernet Strikes Back!

  9. I know that polish family who send his yungest boys home. They had to run from Førde so they can protect them from this evil organization. I am waiting the day when Bodnariu family will get theit kids back.

  10. I’m sorry for you in the movement that are fed with wrong biased information from among others this “teacher” living in London. Yes, I understand that he listens to everything that confirms his idea of Norway and the oneeyed view he has gotten of
    a functionate CPS an hour away. Have he ever been to Norway? I wrote this to him at couple of days ago after his comment:

    S. Bennett loves to call Norway names – socialist county a.s.o. – and latest: fascist country. Bennett is living in London – if he feel at home there he sure will feel even better in Norway.

    Bennett: ” The two ideologies are not really that much different from one another. They both have the same father, honouring the state over the individual. Both are collectivist dreams and are obsessed with works, projects and managing the economy and people. Both have little to no moral ground, instead, they see the end as justifying the means.

    Socialism has brought ignorance, personal and national poverty, and a total disregard for the rights of the individual in every country they gained power in. Look at what happened in Eastern Europe and now what’s happening in Norway.

    At the same time, one of the platforms they use to gain power is promising individual rights and an equal social status with divided wealth. This can be very attractive to some who for one reason or another feel like they have been disenfranchised, either electorally, socially or personally. Socialism thrives on those who follow out of ignorance, poverty, or misplaced loyalty.”

    So – Mr. Bennett – is our prime minister Solberg governing a mix of fascism and socialism? Hey, mr. teacher – wake up to reality or read some real facts about Norway. Why are you – as a Christian – preaching lies – anyway?! Shouldn’t we preach and stand up for .. the truth .. including truth in the way we argument for this insane campaign against one CPS system in the world – and you have a worse system in your own backyard?

    Of cause our government has something else and more important to do than have an eye on this misguided propaganda campaign against Norway, Norwegians and a functionate CPS that changes all the way – not because of some hundred chronic activists living in a dream bubble without answers to what system they will set in if a revolution occures some time before … 2100?? Our media call this propaganda shit lunacy – and that is what it is, but how can a man like you Bennett – supposed Christian – end up as an activist for this purpose – that I really don’t know. Are you not a truth seeker anymore? Do you like the attention you get from this misguided followers – or what? Come to Norway mr. Bennett – I think I can fix a possibility that you might follow me and find out what I do in my working hours if you want, but I need the permission of those families involved – see the CPS from the inside for yourself.

    What is a nation? What is a society? In the year 2016 Norway is changing like the rest of Europe. We are invaded by people we don’t know who are or where they are coming from. Our government assume that around a 100.000 have Norway as their favourite destination this year. A nation is no longer built on bible verses – it’s built on what we all have on the inside ending up in a democratic chosen government. In my office I find muslim colleagues – I find some who talk about karma and mindfulness – I find people who think they don’t believe and you find me – I consider myself a radical Christian with a relationship to the living God. For me truth is important and this campaign is from my window not built on the truth.

    These families you have met on the internet have their history and it begins a long time before it comes to the take away part. They have done some investigations with the CPS – measures at home have been tried out – action plans have been worked out together with the parents and for some of the families the situation for the children are on the same level as when we started and some change must be done outside this family. Now we shall be altered to be more municipal and find fosterhomes in the childrens families and in their known network. Things seem to go the right way in an hour that Norway has a border to keep both eyes on.

  11. I’m sorry for you in the movement that are fed with wrong biased information from among others this “teacher” living in London. Yes, I understand that he listens to everything that confirms his idea of Norway and the oneeyed view he has gotten of
    a functionate CPS an hour away. Have he ever been to Norway? I wrote this to him at couple of days ago after his comment:

    S. Bennett loves to call Norway names – socialist county a.s.o. – and latest: fascist country. Bennett is living in London – if he feel at home there he sure will feel even better in Norway.

  12. Bennett: ” The two ideologies are not really that much different from one another. They both have the same father, honouring the state over the individual. Both are collectivist dreams and are obsessed with works, projects and managing the economy and people. Both have little to no moral ground, instead, they see the end as justifying the means.

    Socialism has brought ignorance, personal and national poverty, and a total disregard for the rights of the individual in every country they gained power in. Look at what happened in Eastern Europe and now what’s happening in Norway.

    At the same time, one of the platforms they use to gain power is promising individual rights and an equal social status with divided wealth. This can be very attractive to some who for one reason or another feel like they have been disenfranchised, either electorally, socially or personally. Socialism thrives on those who follow out of ignorance, poverty, or misplaced loyalty.”

    So – Mr. Bennett – is our prime minister Solberg governing a mix of fascism and socialism? Hey, mr. teacher – wake up to reality or read some real facts about Norway. Why are you – as a Christian – preaching lies – anyway?! Shouldn’t we preach and stand up for .. the truth .. including truth in the way we argument for this insane campaign against one CPS system in the world – and you have a worse system in your own backyard?

    • Knut Nygaard believes the truth is what he believes. He does not understand such as empirical data, significant research and that this should correct his ideas. It is very ignorant.

      The CPS builds on collectivistic ideology.

      “The Nordic model” is collectivistic.

      They think it takes a village to raise children. And that children should be adapted mainstream society thinking. That’s why we have a school where children learned to think like everyone else.

      The school system supports child welfare in a fanatical way. Raundalen suggested using the school to monitor the homes.

      Leader of the Union of Education, Helga Hjetland, enjoyed this.

      The governments loved it and make Magne Raundalen to destroy the biological principle. Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights prevent this. Therefore Raundalen furious at these human rights.


      “Og man må ville det ganske sterkt fordi «man», du Jonas Gahr Støre, må komme over frykten for EMK paragraf 8 om familiens fred, det borgerlige kjøret som kommer om angiverstat og krenkingen av privatsfæren og slugger-argumenter bygget på forfalsket familieforherligelse om at alle foreldre vil barnas beste.”

        A translation of Arild Holta’s quote from Magne Raundalen:
        “And one has to want it rather terribly stronly, because “one”, that is you, Jonas Gahr Støre, has to overcome their fear om eht European Convention of Human Rights Article 8 about the family’x peace, the bourgeois stress/drivel that will come about the informer state and the violation of the private sphere, and slugger arguments built on falsified family glorification saying that all parents want what is best for the children.”

        Explanation: 1) Jonas Gahr Støre was our foreign minister at the time. He is now the leader of the Labour Party. 2) Magne Raundalen, who said the above, has said that he is a member of the Socialist Left Party.

      • Arild, thank you for the clarification. The nordic model is penetrating in the US as well, with presidential candidate Hillary Clinton believing the same thing: it takes a village to raise a child.

        When children are viewed as communal property, and state property we have achieved the disintegration of the family.

        At that point children become “goods” to be traded. They become commodities, items, burdens, fomites. Who cares about their soul?

        • Hillary’s been at it for over 20 years now. In 1996, her book “It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us” was published. She was the first lady at the time.

          I remember going the U.S. Secretary of State’s website when Hillary was the head of that department. On the government’s front page, the LGBT agenda was being promoted.

          I can’t believe it appears she is going to be one of our candidates for president.

          I remember Hillary, 10-15 years back, arguing that every family should have a social worker visit them every six months.

          Hmm, by the law of opposites, maybe that would be just the thing to open people’s eyes – social workers making trouble in EVERY family instead of in only some.

  13. Of cause our government has something else and more important to do than have an eye on this misguided propaganda campaign against Norway, Norwegians and a functionate CPS that changes all the way – not because of some hundred chronic activists living in a dream bubble without answers to what system they will set in if a revolution occures some time before … 2100?? Our media call this propaganda *****moderated*****lunacy – and that is what it is, but how can a man like you Bennett – supposed Christian – end up as an activist for this purpose – that I really don’t know. Are you not a truth seeker anymore? Do you like the attention you get from this misguided followers – or what? Come to Norway mr. Bennett – I think I can fix a possibility that you might follow me and find out what I do in my working hours if you want, but I need the permission of those families involved – see the CPS from the inside for yourself.

    What is a nation? What is a society? In the year 2016 Norway is changing like the rest of Europe. We are invaded by people we don’t know who are or where they are coming from. Our government assume that around a 100.000 have Norway as their favourite destination this year. A nation is no longer built on bible verses – it’s built on what we all have on the inside ending up in a democratic chosen government. In my office I find muslim colleagues – I find some who talk about karma and mindfulness – I find people who think they don’t believe and you find me – I consider myself a radical Christian with a relationship to the living God. For me truth is important and this campaign is from my window not built on the truth.

  14. Our media call this propaganda *****[moderated]lunacy – and that is what it is, but how can a man like you Bennett – supposed Christian – end up as an activist for this purpose – that I really don’t know. Are you not a truth seeker anymore? Do you like the attention you get from this misguided followers – or what? Come to Norway mr. Bennett – I think I can fix a possibility that you might follow me and find out what I do in my working hours if you want, but I need the permission of those families involved – see the CPS from the inside for yourself.

  15. Of cause our government has something else and more important to do than have an eye on this misguided propaganda campaign against Norway, Norwegians and a functionate CPS that changes all the way – not because of some hundred chronic activists living in a dream bubble without answers to what system they will set in if a revolution occures some time before … 2100??

    • I am a lunatic, mr. K-Nuts, a cronic activist and a misguided christian, living outside your barnevernet “bubble”. And you are a person with a troubled childhood, totally missing the capacity of empathy and understanding (like Herr Adolf, for instance), but in a position of decision for many people who have it in Norway. For you and the hordes of b.v. family butchers, led by a CERTIFIED one, a Natural Family is a sub human entity, worth only of despise and exploitation (I mean reproduction). I don’t even know why am I talking to you! You must be either a nuts or a cunning fox, commenting on the internet just for fun!

  16. Mr. Bennett – supposed Christian – end up as an activist for this purpose – that I really don’t know. Are you not a truth seeker anymore? Do you like the attention you get from this misguided followers – or what? Come to Norway mr. Bennett – I think I can fix a possibility that you might follow me and find out what I do in my working hours if you want, but I need the permission of those families involved – see the CPS from the inside for yourself.

  17. What is a nation? What is a society? In the year 2016 Norway is changing like the rest of Europe. We are invaded by people we don’t know who are or where they are coming from. Our government assume that around a 100.000 have Norway as their favourite destination this year. A nation is no longer built on bible verses – it’s built on what we all have on the inside ending up in a democratic chosen government. In my office I find muslim colleagues – I find some who talk about karma and mindfulness – I find people who think they don’t believe and you find me – I consider myself a radical Christian with a relationship to the living God. For me truth is important and this campaign is from my window not built on the truth.

  18. These families you have met on the internet have their history and it begins a long time before it comes to the take away part. They have done some investigations with the CPS – measures at home have been tried out – action plans have been worked out together with the parents and for some of the families the situation for the children are on the same level as when we started and some change must be done outside this family. Now we shall be altered to be more municipal and find fosterhomes in the childrens families and in their known network. Things seem to go the right way in an hour that Norway has a border to keep both eyes on.

  19. Our mission as Christians is not to spread fear among us. We are His royalty and our mission is to make a difference. Yes, we can help and support those among us who are in need and have lost hope – certainly some of the parents and families involved need that – our CPS are under change and I as many others functionate to the best of the parts involved in the cases we handle.

    Let ut not forget who we are – this a glimse of an event in Nurenberg

    • All right, I try to believe you are a Christian believer and a honest cps worker. But what if there is something incompatible between them? What if your heart says, “this person is innocent” and your boss says “let’s get him/her”…? what if there is even an atom of truth in the allegations that between Norway’s politicians are some who try to impose regulations contrary to human rights? Of course, saying they only mean well.
      Now I believe you are as shocked as anyone by the Brussels events. Let’s pray for the victims, and NOT ADD to the many world’s misfortunes.

  20. The fact that barnevernet has decided to give extensive visitation dates that fall on the protest day, once again shows how immature, arrogant and downright evil barnevernet is. Instead of listening and opening up for dialogue, they choose to play the mocking game.

    Steven Bennet brought up some very interesting points here. I was trying to put myself into the situation of the example he gave of a mother and her daughter being assessed by psychologists and social workers to build a case over a few hours of video tape. Such a way of assessing, I believe, will, in such an artificial setting, most likely give results that do not display how the mother-daughter interaction is in reality.

    As a mother, I would have felt an enormous pressure in a situation where every little detail of my conduct would be under surveillance to determine my fate as to if I was fit to be a mother or not.I can imagine just how fearful and insecure I would have been. My eyes would probably be focussed on the exit sign over the door instead of on my daughter…. I might even have felt a wave of panic attacks. So barnevernet would definitely find a number of faults with me. I can imagine having my daughter taken away from me on grounds like; insecurity, fear and lack of eye contact…..

    This is the crazy world of barnevernet! And it has to stop!!!

    • I feel exactly the same. If this is a very common practice, this is terrible. For the moment, “I am Brussels”… May God help us all and mainly the victims hurt.

  21. I am also concerned about barnevernet`s ideology and their aim to have children raised accordingly.

    The Bodnariu case showed that barnevernet obviously doesn`t approve of a child-upbringing based on biblical principles. As Norway has become increasingly secular where the majority don`t believe in God, I fear that barnevernet will try to force their secular values on families. These are forces we need to pray against!

    When I see campaigners for the right of children and their parents to be together described as something like “demented haters”, two thoughts follow:

    a) Yes, there is nothing shameful about hating the destruction of family love, especially the family love which the innocent (the children) have for their family members.

    b) What one of the chief providers of CPS ideology, Magne Raundalen, said, and which Arild Holta quoted here:

    To the Shame of Norway, Barnevernet Strikes Back!

    (I tried to translate it underneath), is, on the other hand, expressive of a different kind of hate, one not based on love for anyone, as far as I can see.

    • Raundalen is history in the context of the CPS – this man is the main supplier and indeologist in the later years.

  23. Mr Nygaard claims to be a Christian. I have a question for Mr Nygaard:

    Do you believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God?

    How do you reconcile Norwegian CPS ideology with biblical theology in this passage from Hebrews 12:

    7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

    *note: discipline is not physical abuse, and spanking a child on his bottom is not physical abuse

    • Excellent Biblical remark!
      I think the Norwegian CPS knows very well what “physical abuse” is or isn’t. They’re just redefining the term to suit their purpose – and their purpose is the removal of as many children as possible from the biological parents and putting them up for adoption. Again, it’s the demand and supply principle – it’s a growing demand for adoption and a lower supply of kids, and so the Norwegian CPS comes up with bogus accusations against the families, to justify their actions of poaching as many kids as they can.
      We know that Satan is behind these Barnevernet tactics, and that he works through his own people. We are praying that God will expose these people to the world for what they are, and that He will bring this demonic system down where it belongs.

    • Of cause.

      Here in Norway physical abuse and spanking is history. Alf Gjøsund grew up in a Christan family with a father that hit him again and again to he hardly could breathe and nobody neither in the family or in the chuch helped him. His fathers had gave him unprocessed traumatic experinces that became a part of him.

      When his father grow old – sick and on his deathbed the son had to hold his fathers hand – comfort him and try to forget what this hand had given him of hard times.

      This is the article he wrote: “Fathers hand”

      I made a comment to this article: “I thought myself that what I had done deserved spanking. but….: This is one of the situations from my childhood I remember well. I had grown up to around the age of 8 and I should go to the hairdresser for the first time without any parent. I am quite sure the price was 3 Norwegrian kroner. My father – the school teacher – gave me the money and mother told my what I should say to the hairdresser.

      This deal had one weak point – me. Next to the hairdresser was a store with tempting candy. In a weak moment my haircut was changed to 3 bags a kr. 1 – BarneTV or Barnetime candy. The first bag was easy to swollow – the next two much harder.

      I remember I felt miserable and understood the failure I had done to both my parents and God. A lot of candy on the inside and the hair as I left my parents on the outside. I had never before been spanked, but this time I found myself so miserable that I thought myself that I had deserved it. Entering my home I was ready – if not – dr. Spock – or God – had told my parents otherwise.

      I remember very well how our eyes met – explanation given and verdict given – we held around each other and I remember I asked both my parents and God for forgiveness for my mission ending in complete disaster. My father – the teacher had good expertise and sensitive training in how to deal with such situations – but this was at home and not a pupil – this was done by his one and only son. But my father knew very well when it was necessary with hard words and volume and when a child – this time his son – have given the verdict ourselves.

      My father – the teacher wanted me – his son to succeed. The next day I was ready for take off again – lesson learned – we took each other hands – prayed over my mission . the hairdressing without a parental following – and now I had learned my lesson – withoutspanking, but with parental love and forgiveness. I have much to give thanks for both to my parents and the running God as my muslim friends call Him.

        • The Father’s dicipline is meant to train us to partner with Jesus in righteousness: Do not despise the chastening of the LORD ……6 For whom the LORD
          loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives…10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit that we may be partakers of His holiness . 11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present , but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

          This is one of the three sources of pressure in our lives – the other two is Satan’s attack and ourselves – the human weakness (wrong ideas and sinful disires).

          We – as Christians respond – tor the first with submisiion to the Father’s discipline. We resist Satan’s attack by the word of God. We repent of our wrong ideas as we humble ourselves. .

        • God is the hearts of those who have open up for Him. We people are made up with free will and today people to often feel comfortable to be the god in their own lives. In our country as in yours the families are under attack – not because of the CPS, but because of the infuence of the spirit of time.

          Of cause we as parents shall be good role models and give our children love and communication.

      • Yes,but Hebrews 12 says something a bit different to cover a large spectrum of situations not a singular case like yours,based on Heb.12 Bodnariu fam should be together now but they suffer trauma for such a long time ,is that making you feel good as a christian and CPS worker in the same time?I DOUBT IT.One or the other!

      • Mr Nygaard, you keep quoting chapter and verse from your cps training manual. What your manual says and what happens in reality are two very different things. I have read most of your ststements as I have been following this blog closely. Your tone comes across as cold, unfeeling, mocking and condescending. However, I would like to ask you, as a parent and self professed Christian, can you not put yourself in the shoes of the mother and father of the Bodnariu children for a just a brief minute? Admittedly they applied physical correction which is forbidden by your laws. Do they not get any chance at all to rectify what they are allegedly doing wrong? It appears that in your wonderfully advanced country people do not get the benefit of due process. Why were they not given counselling since you seem to have psychologists galore? How can you condone for even a minute the kidnapping of those children?

        • You will find 10-15 videos that show 4 ot 5 minutes of drama that none of us like to participate in, but you don’t she the hundreds of documents from page 1 to this video. The parents don’t want to talk of their part in the drama – neither do the Bodmariu’s. It’s much more support to gain if you look with one eye – on these bastard CPS in action.

          I as you hope the Bodnariu’s will reunite in the near future. I don’t know all the details in this case and neither do you, but from the outside looking in this looks like a case my office would have settled in another way. They would have been reunited soon after the police had done their investigations and concluded. I have no influence on a legal case where Naustdal CPS is the one part and the parents with their lawyers is the other part – neither have you, You can demonstrate and protest till the end of times, but you have of cause no impact on an ungoing legal case.

          I can agree to one thing – the human factor. As individuals we – as the rest of us – might differ – and also differ in our professional conduct – leaders can differ – legal advisers can differ – lawyer a.s.o. as we all know and have experienced: teachers can differ. I also think one municipal can differ from another with regard to the levels for f.i. emergency – I suspect the level in Naustdal far lower than in a city.

        • Here is where I think you are wrong, Knut: I think we DO HAVE an impact. CPS is under tremendous pressure.

          To give the kids back now would be an admission of guilt on the part of CPS. That is why they are digging in and fighting it. I am 100% certain the govt of Norway is looking into the matter and pressuring CPS to fight the case and “make sure” the trivial reasons for which they took the kids become “valid” reasons.

          All to the shame of Norway.


          CPS reacted abusively and aggressively in a case of spanking. And the initial reason was a religious reasons. Two special attorneys (one from Europe, one from US) have reviewed the case and they agree. The Bible is mentioned 7 times in the documentation. The case was turned into a spanking case after the initial stage.

          (Diana, thank you for the great comment)

        • You have to grandious thoughts of yourself and your activism. No one in Norway except you. me and the legal parts involved give this ongoing case a single consideration. The common Norwegian will not offer the hundred demonstarting on each place a single thought the 16th of April. You can demonstrate to the edge of time – you of cause have no influence on either an ungoing legal case in Nustdal or in the internal administration of our CPS.

          The CPS as a system in under no pressure. I don’t know the details in this legal ungoing case in Naustdal. but I think both the CPS and their legal advisor – an average lawyer from Bergen – take their Easter holiday as evetybody else.

          If there is no longer a legal reason there is nothing that justifies the conclusion. I have been in such situations and we as participants feel when we leave the conty board who the verdict coming will be. The verdict is just the confirmation of that feeling. I think the parents and their lawyers must have felt the legal atmosphere – did they listen to the CPS or did they understand that we are not the parents the CPS think or tell you?

          This has nothing to do with Norway, Norwegians or the CPS as a whole – and I can assure you that either Solberg or Horne is a part of the ungoing case. I think the national concern for this case stops with some contact with the county governeur. What you do on the 16.04 are of no concern. Demonstrations are considered to be a freedom to express yourself and the choice of bias is your own responisbility. I have told you of my opinion of truth – and you as a Christian rely on what Norway think is lunacy – so it is.

          If you know everything of the Bodnariu case you should also know what the verdict will be. I’m not a fly on the wall or have a long distance spyglass.

          There is only violence, sexual abuse and severe neglect that make a § 4-6, 2 junction conclusion. You that know everything about that case must yourself have read the conclusion and I’m sure you find nothing about Christianithy there – in that case this would have been on the news a long time ago.

          Attorneys in hundreds from every part in the world can look at the documents and make their conclusion, but that doesn’t alter the Norwegian legal case a bit. Costea used pages to trivialize spanking and seems to have forgotten that parental conduct is history in Norway long before the first day Marius stepped on Norwergian soil with his Norwegian wife.

          You tell me that the bible is mentioned 7 times in the documentation – that might be possible – it is in what way and context it is important. That this family might be more Christian than other families in Naustdal is in a way a complement – but I have the feeling that people in municipalities with few inhabitants tend to more view for the childs possibilities to fit in with the other in the class and in their spare time. In that case it could be considered as a guidance theme.

          Religion is rarely mentioned in documents. We – as CPS’s visiting a family can see things – a dark islamic home – a home with religious symbols – Buddah is on the inventory list and so not reliable a.s.o. It’s when we hear things that comes out of religion the mentioning may be done.

        • Knut, you accuse me of grandiose delusions, but you are the one who is delusional.

          Why can’t you look at the facts? CPS employees are the ones telling families that CPS will offer them visitations on April 16th!

          They are doing this in order to decrease the protest attendance on April 16th!

          And yes, Norway is VERY worried about this case! Officials have threatened Bodnariu to not publicize the case in the media, especially SOCIAL MEDIA. CPS is worried about the negative publicity.

          Tens of thousands (soon hundreds of thousands) have demonstrated up until now and you are telling me that no one in Norway gives a second thought about it??? WOW.

          Knut, you are in denial! You are the one who is delusional!

        • You don’t know is this is true or false. In my opinion it’s a rumour or one person’s thought – just like plenty of stuff you think is truth – or as an activst “truth” is no longer important only as long as it’s good propaganda for the “holy” cause. This is a rumour or an opinion without any possibility to be followed. Facts… where can I find this “information” as a … fact?

          There is Easter holiday now and in some parts of the country they this year have their winter holiday attached to that. A lot of families go abroad – so do fosterfamilies. Maybe this has something to do with the use of the sixteenth, but I see in the comments to this activist movement there is a lot of conspiracy thinking and “ghoststories” going on so ….

          I’m sorry to tell you that the CPS employees in Norway don’t know about your activism or demonstrations – and why should they?? – your activism have no impact at all, but if it works for you so ….

          More nonsense … I have said a couple of times that the Bodnariu’s should use the Norwegian media and tell their story – after chequing that there in nothing hidden under the carpet first. Then .. the thinker in this movement, Skånland, comes in an every time warns the parents and explains to us why they shouldn’t. Surely – strange enough – it seems like the parents lawyers think the same – they too – as the parents have rejected to speak to the Norwegian press – for me they and their work for the family invisiable. The CPS is not a bit worried about the media. Most of the information and the stories f.i. Mr. Bennett and Mr, Reikerås put in on their facebook are coming from the Norwegian press.

          The number of demonstrations or people attending have no impact on the ongoing case in Naustdal or the interior considerations done – as now Horne has informed a couple of weeks ago with the goal to be implemented in all muncipalities 2020.

  24. Pingback: Shame of Norway, Barnevernet Strikes Back! | Pastor Ciprian Barsan

  25. Pingback: Spre rușinea Norvegiei, Barnevernet se răzbună! | Life Mission

  26. Barnevernet CPS is the supreme god of Norway! People of Norway worship this god! According to the popular belief – including some so-called “christians”, this god can do no wrong and can override the Bible. This explains why the people of Norway are so loyal to this god, and so afraid to upset him. The Barnevernet god “provides” for them, and so the people refuse to come out and protest.

    • I also want to ask this question:
      If a child is slapped on the rear, and that is considered a crime in Norway – or grounds for permanently taking a child away from the family, then how is Norway dealing with abortion, which we know is murder? Under these circumstances, I’m assuming that Norway has no abortion clinics whatsoever, because the “mighty” Barnevernet is so “loving and protective” of the children and their families that it wouldn’t allow these atrocities to happen.
      …and if there are any abortion clinics in Norway, then Barnevernet should be going after those and close them down, and return the Bodnariu children back to their family where they belong! Yes, Barnevernet, that’s what you should be doing right now!

        Abortion is legal in Norway.

        But it is still another matter that Barnevernet sometimes pressures (or tries to pressure) women into having an abortion. (I know of concrete examples.) – Don’t ask me why, since they are also fond of taking children at birth, and there are many who want to have baby foster children or to adopt babies. So, as I said, don’t ask me why, except that Barnevernet’s reasonings are quite often “mysterious”. I suppose first and foremost they like power to decide what others should do.

        • In the cases I referred to in which Barnevern personnel tried to pressure women into abortion, there was absolutely no drug abuse or any other such reason. The mothers were single, had applied for financial help from the social office, and the CPS did not like them.

          I said above that I didn’t really know why the CPS sometimes “recommend” abortion. I think perhaps it is because they have no regular, sensible policy for what kind of advice to give to anybody. So some CPS workers are no doubt against abortion and will instead go for removal of the child at birth, while others are not against abortion and will perhaps push in that direction.

      • Abortion is a private decision. So is living together – divorce and the settlements following. We follow some drug abusing women through their pregnacy, but they – as others – have their own decision right together with the medical staff.

        • Knut why do you guys target single mothers to remove their children? There are reports that BV has lists of single moms and you guys follow them secretly to find reasons to remove their kids!

        • Perhaps Barnevernet CPS should spend less time and resources following families and children around, and should turn its focus on returning the children back to their families.

          Good people of Norway!… If Barnevernet is your god, then worship Barnevernet. But if Jehovah, the Almighty is your God, then let us join hands together and condemn the injustice! Let’s make sure the Bodnariu children are given back to their loving biological parents. God will bless your families, because what you have done unto others, God will do unto you – guaranteed!

  27. Very unfortunate for the country of Norway, Ovidiu.

    Don’t all Christians know the first commandment from Exodus 20?

    3 “You shall have no other gods before Me.”

    I will continue to pray for the people of Norway.

    Delight in Truth: “Knut why do you guys target single mothers to remove their children?”

    Mr Nygaard thinks this is “conspiracy nonsense”. However, the parent or parents of a new-born child is obliged to receive in the home a visit from a “health nurse”, who “checks” not only on whether the child is healthy and well, but on anything she cares to notice about the home and the parents, and who reports back – guess who to. Parents who instead prefer to take the child to a medical doctor for a check, are prevented from doing this as an alternative. Even a family where one parent is a medical doctor, had to have the health nurse coming. For the obvious reason that she in reality is on the look-out for anything which is suitable to be reported as a “concern”. The “health nurse” (a profession which works hand in glove with the CPS) is obligatory. It is like Hillary Clinton’s proposal that every family should be visited by a social worker twice a year.

    • These home visiting done by the health nurse in obligatary and in the manual for the following up done in this profession. This has nothing to do with the single status and nothing to do with the CPS. Maybe it has something to do with the Democrats and HC – I don’t care – I don’t live in the USA:

      • I have spoken to Norwegians who confirmed to me that they have been targeted because of single-parent status.

        A former BV employee also put on facebook the information that BV has lists of single women to be targeted for child confiscation.

        • Show me when and where this woman have worked in a CPS-office? Most of her work in the latter years have been to protect her own children for being bullied in school by giving them home education. This woman may lots of years ago worked as a freelancer for the CPS, but my opinion after watching her and done my usual googling so has this woman no knowledge of what’s going on in the CPS the last ten years – and maybe more – and maybe ever. You can not build your information on the information coming from this woman – but then again – as an activist – truth is not that important as long as it serves the “case”.

      • “Norway’s ‘Child Protective Services’ are only concerned with removing children as quickly as possible but not bringing them back again quickly. They stay with foster parents until they are 18 years old – no discussion. We had lists of mothers who we specifically targeted, single mothers, ones with children from several fathers, poor, sick unemployed parents, or families without relatives, that is uncles, aunts and grandparents.” -Anne-Kathrine Eckbo-Fangan

  29. Ok – Mr. Truth – you may believe everything people tell you and I understand very well that you are not in a position to ask them to verify what they are saying. That is the part we in the CPS has as a professional work code for what we are doing – what’s been said shall be confirmed by reliable information from at third part if possible – in that way we differ fish from bird. The facebook is not reliable for the truth – our archives are.

    • In Bodnariu case Cps done the opposite,every body in the village confirmed they are good parents but Cps had different view ,how is that?!The only “reason”to take 5 kids from the safety of their familly was the forced answer of a little girl taken through leading questions to “prove”violence.Mr Knut ,i would be ashamed to work into such institution like Barnevernet and call myself christian!

  30. Mr. Truth was speaking the truth, and you, Mr. Nygaard, are mistaken. Anne- Kathrine Eckbo -Fangan is a former social worker who used to work for the CPS. Here is the Youtube video to prove the fact;

    • Have you seen her CV, Hilde – this woman have never worked in a CPS office. Show me when and where this woman have worked in a CPS-office? Most of her work in the latter years have been to protect her own children for being bullied in school by giving them home education. This woman may lots of years ago worked as a freelancer for the CPS, but my opinion after watching her and done my usual googling so has this woman no knowledge of what’s going on in the CPS the last ten years – and maybe more – and maybe ever. You can not build your information on the information coming from this woman – but then again – as an activist – truth is not that important as long as it serves the “case”. She maybe an earlier social worker from the days before NAV when the CPS and the social services when we shared localities and top leader.

  31. And if you still don`t believe me, Knut, search it on the net and you will see that she worked for Barnevernet. If you can`t find it, I will find it for you.

  32. You can find it for me – all I found out was that she has been – or is – a hometeacher for her own kids – has lost her beloved husband and worked as a freelance around 2007. I have no other information about this woman and her CPS experienc – so – please inform me.

  33. Yes, Hilde – here she is a registered freelancer. If she ever has been used by the CPS we don’t know anything about – professon: care for the elderly.

  34. I can read “barnevern/barneverntjenester”.Of course you are trying with all you have to make us believe that all is just fine with BV. But you won’t succeed, Knut. From the facts I know about Barnevernet, there is too much that proves that Barnevernet all too often do what they are not supposed to do and which is evil.

    • “(These are large sums and there are disturbingly many who (surely with every right) receive compensation. It is both scary, paradoxical and incredible that this arrangement for compensation applies to people who have had their lives destroyed by a system which has not been changed, and which in principle functions exactly like before.
      Barnevernet functions almost like a pyromaniac trailing its own firefighter behind.
      Perhaps somebody should now man up and take the matches away from them instead?)”

      I think this is the comment you have mentioned, Marianne. If or if not, it is still an educational and unique comment.

  35. Pingback: Rozhlédnutí velikonoční 2016 – Duše a hvězdy

  36. Pingback: April 16th Sacramento, California Protest against Barnevernet | agnus dei - english + romanian blog

  37. If they have visits when they want to protest than they must protest continuously everywhere in places were that psychopathic barnevernet is working.

      • Knut, I thought it was you that thought that “more must be done now” that your employer has been embarrassed by worldwide protests. Weren’t you implying that the Bodnariu children must be held longer now? If so, you have made another of many conflicting statements.

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